Happy Father's Day

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I didn't have to do this, but I wanted to anyways.

Happy Father's day to everyone's fathers, biological or not. And A big Happy Fathers day to Tony Stark.

He raised me when others couldn't.

Father's day was not something Peter Parker had ever looked forwards to. Losing 2 father figures does that to you.

Well now after losing a 3rd, it may have been the most important father's day ever.

Peter didn't remember his biological father very well. There really wasn't much to remember, he died to early in his son's life to be remembered. Peter didn't miss him, he just wished he could remember. And now he was sat in front of his mother and father's conjoined tombstone.

He ran his fingers over the edges of their names, lost in thought. How does he do this.

"Hi momma, daddy."

He sighed shakily.

" 'M sorry I didn't come for mother's day, something happened a few days before and I was too sick. May wouldn't let me go anywhere. Happy late mother's day Momma."

"I'm sorry I don't remember both of you well, I wish I did. So happy father's day, Dad. I love you both."

He sat for a few more minutes before silently getting up.

"I'm sorry"


Ben Parker's grave was about 20 feet away from Peter's parents. The tombstone was obviously a lot younger than his parents though.

Peter sniffled a bit.

"I keep running the day you died in my head over and over again. Each time, I try and I tell myself that you wouldn't have died if I wasn't being such a brat. And I know that with your last breaths that you told me it wasn't my fault. I know it wasn't but there's only me to blame. I'm sorry."

He blew out a short breath.

"I hope I've made you happy, or that you're not disappointed with Spiderman. I think I've been responsible with my powers. I mean, there have been some little slip ups, but I think I've got it now. Thank you Ben.

"May and I miss you. She's still heartbroken you know. But I hope one day she'll be happy again, and you'll be happy too. We love you."

He left a flower and a card at his grave.

Peter had Happy pick him up and drive him to Mrs.Stark's house. The entire ride he was silent and didn't look up. He was nervous for this one. As far as he was concerned, Tony only viewed him as an Intern, or someone to mentor.

He finally arrived at the house.

Pepper came out to greeted him and Happy. She led him to the back of the house, to Tony's resting place.

Peter played with his hands, not knowing what to do.

Pepper put her hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay sweetheart. He'd be happy to know you viewed him as a father."

"Thank Mrs. Stark. It's just-"

"He saw you as his son Peter. He never gave up looking for you."

Peter finally looked up at her and smiled, "Thank you, Mrs.Stark".

"Call me Pepper", she ruffled his hair.

"Thank you, Pepper", he chuckled.

She left him to the tombstone in front of him.

Peter dropped to the ground, sitting "criss
cross apple sauce". He read the little 'trophy' once again.

Proof that Tony Stark has a heart.

"You've always had a heart. I knew that from the second I met you. You never wanted to fight Cap and the rest of his team, I saw it. I saw straight through the perfectly crafted mask you wore throughout your entire life. And if that it's good enough for everyone, I hope they realize what you've done for Morgan.

"Speaking of, she reminds me of you. I bet you've heard that from Pepper too. She's too intelligent for her age, it's scary. She has your cunning but caring personality as well. She's just like you, it's scary

"Gosh I wish you were still here. I wish I could tell you how I felt, tell you how much you've impacted me. If I could go back, I'd tell you. I'd tell you and I would never regret it. But don't worry, I'm not
going to try and use the time machine to go back. I know what happened when you and Cap messed up 2012.

"While I was here I wanted to uhh, I wanted to wish you something. I mean, you know what day it is right. I see Morgan's attempt at a homemade father's day card. I promise I'll protect her liked you tired to protect me. Let's just both hope that she takes it better than I did."

By now Peter was only moments away from sobbing. It was a miracle that he even lasted this long.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, Happy Fathers Day Mr.Stark.

I love you 3000 Dad".

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