Valentines Day

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aka, a busy day for cupid.

also, quick question. how old are you guys(gals and non-binary pals).


Today was Clint's least favorite time of the year, Valentines Day.

Sure, for some people it was about love and giving to others, but for Clint it was a fucking nightmare.

Each year, there would be a select few that were to fall under the curse of cupid. This curse only occurred when two (or sometimes more) people resisted each other so harshly that more than one god (Aphrodite) is needed (Eros). Honestly all it meant was, 'step the fuck up and confess your feelings, bitch'.

This year, he had a lot more targets than usual, probably because this generation liked to ignore their feelings more than the last one. They had all unanimously decided to ignore any sort of feeling they ever had. So that meant at least 1,000 people needed to be put under the spell.

Thankfully, he had started a week earlier and only had about 50 to do today. He was tired as fuck, but couldn't rest until he was finished.

Clint had lied to the other Avengers, saying he had a shield mission and would be gone for the week. He had gotten away with it until Fury had supposedly called the team to ask them where he was. That lead to the next thing and before he knew it, he was getting a video call from the team and Fury.

He sighed, and answered. He put his head down in his hands and closed his eyes. This was going to be a long day, a lot of explaining would be needed again.

There was a reason he left the tower for a week, mostly to have to do with what he did during the week.

Valentines was always filled with so much love, and he could sense all of it. It was too much emotion for an adult, so he took the form of a 6 year old boy. Imagine explaining that. A blond, 6 year old boy, in a greek style toga, and angelic wings.

The team stood still for a second still before Natasha started laughing which eventually triggered the others to do so as well. 6 year old Clint attempted to scowl which was really just a pout on his face.

"This is exactly what I didn't want to happen", he grumbled, except he was 6 and i came out like, "Dis is exacwy wa i didn't wan 'oo happen".

Queue more laughter.

"You're baby! A baby angel, thats adorable", Tony jokes, causing everyone laugh again.

Clint sighs and tries to get out of angel form and goes for an old human. He got to 14 years old. With an insane amount of freckles, glasses, and braces. He realized he would still have the lisp. This wasn't fair. He tries again, 13 years old. Same appearance, just no braces.

Clint sighed again, "You know what? I have working to do so goodbye".

He ended the call and changed back to an angelic form and headed off to go shoot some people. See, this was exactly like a Shield mission.


Clint had shifted back into his child angel form and gotten most of his targets. Eventually he got back to the compound where he apparently had one.

So he stumbles in, alerting all the avengers as he falls to the floor.

His eyes flicker back into his head for a second, and he's picked up by Steve. He looks up and sees the glorious mark of love.

He groans and rolls out of Steve's arms. He materializes an arrow and sticks it in Steve's arm. It disappears and everyone goes still.

He squints and looks up at everyone.


Tony, Bucky, and Natasha have marks too.

He decides "fuck it" because those are his last people. So he shoves arrows into their arms as well.

"You figure that out yourself", shrugs and walks away.


hahaha this is short, rushed, and horrible. ive been at camp until i got home saturday. also ive been writing for the twitter user @/mcuwattpad. ive had more fun doing that than this chapter but the next few chapter are going to be good, i promise! sorry for the delay


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