Peter Does an Oopsie

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Warning: contains endgame spoilers. Read at own risk!
This was supposed to be my 1k special but we just hit 2k wow (4-30-19)
It had been a year since they'd won, a year since he died. The great Tony Stark died. 'Two dead parents, a dead uncle, and a dead mentor', Peter thought to himself. There were so many things he regretted doing and never doing. From what others tell him, the only reason he wanted to help get them back was for his sake. It killed him. But so did his last words to him, both times.

He was just so scared. He didn't want to die and he didn't want Tony to die thinking he failed. He wanted him to be happy, and he deserved it. He deserved to be called by his first name after so long. The only thing never deserved was how hard his life was, how much tragedy and hurt. Hurt from his parents and peers.

But Peter was told it was time to let go. But he couldn't, he couldn't let go and he wouldn't. So he continued all of his mentor's research and he continued being spiderman.

Pepper treated him like a son, she knew how much he adored him. He was always welcome around, always welcome to stay, always welcome to talk, cry, and go visit Tony. He wasn't going to lose this honorary parent too. Peter would do anything for Mrs.Stark and anything for Morgan as well.

When Peter first met Morgan, he could tell she was just like her father, and nothing could have made him happier. So he visited her as well, his new honorary sister.

But he grew habits like his father too. Nothing too major, but still noticeable. The way he shielded his emotions with jokes and sarcasm, the way he sacrifices himself for everyone. Even down to the way he holds himself with he has a new idea. He developed nervous habits to, the tapping of his feet or fingers or the gesturing of his hands. Even the sleep deprived genius part had rubbed off on him. Peter was regularly dragged out if Tony's old lab trying to perfect time travel with out the "Pym Particles" or at least trying to copy them.

It took him a while but he was able to copy them. The process was long and hard and made him lose 6 days worth of sleep. Not only did he copy them, he managed to keep this plan off the books so no one knew. It was a long time coming but he told himself it was worth it, could do this.

He could time travel and he could do the one thing he never got to do. He wanted to say I love you. Just once, that's all he asked of the universe, but the universe was never really on his side.


Something happened in quantum realm that wasn't supposed to, an abnormality. From what Peter had studied, these abnormalities only happened once every 500 million years, and the last one happened only 20 million years ago.

These abnormalities caused the realm to go haywire and drop you off anytime and
anywhere. So the possibility of Peter landing in the Avengers Compound in the time between the end of The Age Of Ultron and before Germany was at an all time low. If he calculated it right, it should have been 0.0000000000000000000000000000178%.

But it happened anyways.

The ride was already bumpy but with the whole "anytime, anywhere thing", it was making it harder to contain his motion sickness. Being torn apart and put back together wasn't anywhere near fun. And neither was being dumped at the feet of Scarlet Witch.

It didn't help that she picked him up forcefully, using her powers, upside down.  Even though being upside-down didn't bother him, that didn't mean he wasn't disturbed. Imagine seeing the past Avengers upside down and in a time traveling suit that your now dead mentor created. While seeing you dead mentor alive, in front of you, from 10 years ago.

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