What Makes Tony so special?

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I was gonna have a spiderson/irondad chapter out instead of this one but it's gonna take a bit longer

also, thanks for 5k when we legit hit 2k almost a month ago.
(if we hit 6k in 2 days i'll double update next saturday)

When Tony got the arc reactor removed, he assumed that everything that kept him alive from it would keep him alive without it. It kept him alive, but it really didn't keep him "normal".

There was one thing that Tony forgot about, mostly because he'd experimented on how to get rid of it before the reactor. It would go away for a bit before coming back. But on his last try, it stayed away for almost a year and then he was kidnapped and Yensen hooked a car battery to his heart.

So when after the 3 months of the arc reactor out being of his chest lit something on fire, he refused to believe it.

Experiments always caused fires, and this was no exception. Well except for the fact that an experiment was the reason for the fire to the experiment right now.

When Tony was around 13, he wanted his father's attention. He just wanted to be validated. So he set out make something never seen before. And then it blew up in his face.

In retrospect, the idea he had wasn't really going to work anyways.

He remembers being told that he went into a coma for 2 months after the incident, and he was told that his father hadn't come to see him. He learned to ignore his father after this day.

When he was discharged from the hospital, no longer drugged and recovering, he went back to the lab just to tinker around.

And that's when his hands lit on fire. Out of blue they lit up and he couldn't remember anything after that.

But he could remember that anxiety was always the worst thing to have with these powers. Every time he got nervous, he lit up.

So finally settling the accords was the worst thing he could be doing at the time of his power's comeback. So in order to keep them in check, he did what he's always done: he invented.

A few months pass, the accords are settled and all the avengers have moved back into the compound.

It had been 3 months since everything had settled, and everyone was calm and content with each other for once.

Tony's medicine he had constructed for his unwanted abilities had worked and he was relieved. He got into the habit of taking it regularly in the morning like an actual medication. Except for this morning.

This morning he was woken up by an alert from friday, telling him that the spider-kid had gotten himself stabbed. It was 4 a.m. and he had only gotten 2 hours of sleep in the last week. He went helped the hero-vigilante and returned after an hour, only to go back to sleep.

He was woken up the second time at noon by Natasha who informed him that it was time for lunch. So now it was 12:30 and he got himself ready for the day.

He grabbed a shower and was impressed with himself. He slept a whole 7 and 1/2 hours.

So he made his way to the dining area of the compound still half asleep and began to enjoy his food.

Then Fury called which set off the "Momma Bear's Mad" protocol Tony had installed. So basically an alarm sounded and there were blinking red lights.

The blinking red lights made the spark that sprouted out of his hand less noticeable to the avengers though.

When a hologram of Fury came up, the spark turned into a small flame. This got Fury's attention.

"I thought you got rid of that Stark".

Tony was currently waving his hand around trying to get it to stop when the sentence was directed to him. The team turned to see what Fury meant and Tony stopped, his eyes wide. His other hand started too.

"Oh shi-", Tony held his hands out away from him.

Natasha was the only person not confused, everyone else was looking between Tony and his hands like a tennis match.

"Fury they didn't know", he groaned.

"Well that's because you told SHIELD that you were cured, which was clearly a lie."

"In my defense, i was cured up until 3 months after palladium poisoning."

"Which was still 5 months ago."

"Ok but then i started on this medicine thing that kept me fine for those 5 months."

"Then what the hell is happening now?"

"I forgot to take it", Tony whispered.

"You forgot?"

"Hey- In my defense I was woken up at 4 this morning to go help the kid cause he got stabbed."

Fury sighed and told the team of the mission that they were getting ready for.

After the mission

Steve was still a bit wary of Stark's powers. Bruce thought it was cool, Natasha already knew, and Thor came from a place of magic so he really wasn't all that impressed. Clint was... being Clint.

The team was on the Quinjet back from the mission when Clint decided he wanted popcorn. He knew that kept snacks on here, but then he remembered that Thor broke the microwave last time. He sighed and thought of a different way to make popcorn.

He looked at Tony, "Did you take your weird fire extinguisher medicine yet?"

Tony turned and scowled at Clint, and threatened to burn him with his hand extended with a tall flame in it. Clint through the packet of popcorn on it. He watched as the kernels made pop sounds. Tony was gapping at him.

"I get half", Tony mumbled.

"A'ight", Clint smiled.

The rest of the avengers chose to ignore the couple, because the two idiots were always like this.

"So how long do you think it needs to cook? I mean, it's not a regular microwave.", Clint inquired.

Tony opened his mouth to reply but Natasha cut him off.

"Clint. Shut up."

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