Baby Stark [part 2]

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do y'all think that people made like recap compilations of memes, and tik toks, and funny videos for the people that were dead for 5 years?

(they should've called the endgame re-release "Avengers: You didn't see that coming?")
also, a/n at end of chapter cause i need to talk.

In the aftermath of Peter's appearance during the meeting, everyone sighed NDA's stating that they weren't allowed to talk about Peter's existence. That being said, the team still knew, which brought up a few problems.

Now that the rouges were pardoned, what did that mean for the Stark family?

Under the new accords, they were all required to live under the same roof. Which meant that Scott was either supposed to have Cassie move in or stay with her Mother and Step-Father. And Clint's family were to move in as well. Sure it was only listed that they were to live all together for 3 years, but it was still 3 whole years.

They still had 2 weeks to get ready for the move though, so that was hopefully enough time to set everything up.


Two weeks was not, in fact, enough to even begin to be ready for the moving in. Sure, Tony had everyone's assigned rooms and floors, but he wasn't emotionally ready.

The rogues were supposed to arrive at 6pm, and Tony knew this. Pepper had started on dinner for everyone coming, so that they could at least attempt to be domestic.

It was currently 5:25, and Tony and Peter were watching Paw Patrol per Peter's request. Soon after the episode was over, Peter fell asleep on Tony. Tony looked down at his watch, looking at the time. He could probably let them sit here for 20 minutes before having to put Peter in his room for a nap.

That was a mistake.

Pepper was cuddled up against Tony's chest, face nearly pressed onto the arc reactor. One of his arms was curled up against himself and one on Tony. He clung to him as if it were his lifeline.

Tony huffed and pulled his head up on his shoulder, face now in the crook of his neck. Tony's eyes started to close as well when he thought, 'this is fine, I have time. It's fine'.

He did not, in fact, have time.

By the time 6pm rolled around they were both still asleep, and Pepper had let them. She knew that Tony needed it, and Peter was 3, so so did he.

The first people up were Scott and Cassie, their luggage being taken to their rooms and taking their seats at the table. Next was Clint's family, minus Clint. They went through the same process and took their seats. Vision manifested through a wall and took a seat.

All of team cap (minus Bucky, he was still dated to be in the cyro for a few more months. Also Thor and Bruce were still off-world) were coming in the next elevator with Natasha. They were all talking loudly of past adventures with each other.

They came to the floor they were having dinner on and were promptly shushed by Pepper who pointed at Tony and Peter passed out on the couch.

Everyone looked where she pointed, and as if on queue, Peter yawned and buried his face deeper into Tony's neck.

Steve was shocked by how fond Tony seemed of his son, he had never seen this side of him before. Natasha practically cooed at Peter, but no one pointed this out because they didn't want to die. Sam and Clint were also shocked, but overall they knew they would enjoy seeing how the father-son duo interacted. As far as they knew now, Tony would do anything for that kid. Wanda seemed to not believe anything she was seeing, she thought Stark was heartless.

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