Woah, is that spiderman?!? (short)

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Dying was one thing.

Dying and waking up in a void was another.

Dying, waking up in a void in front of the avengers without your mask on, making it public knowledge that you were too young to be an avenger was pushing whatever sanity Peter Parker had left.

He had already messed up™️ dying by saying, "I'm sorry". Nothing was redeeming in these moments. He didn't even know where the mask to his suit was anymore, but that was ok because he was in front if people he could trust.

Sure, Mr.Barnes and Ms.Maximoff were not on Tony's side of Civil War, but they were still ok people. Besides, Mr.Barnes really seemed to care for him. He told him he was like another pre-serum Steve, trying to fight things 10 times the size of him.

There were a lot of people in the void, so he wasn't sure who was hear and wasn't expecting to anyone he knew. He know that people were constantly moving (except for the avengers) to find someone they knew.

Then the universe pushed Peter's sanity over the edge.

He definitely didn't think about coming face to face with his High School chemistry class, after dying and waking up in the void with the Avengers, maskless, exposing his identity and the fact that he was too young.

Mr.Harrington had everyone  in an orderly line, making sure no one was left behind. He was making sure he had everyone when he bumped into someone behind him.

He turned to apologize when he turned back to realize who was standing in front of him. Spiderman without his mask who was definitely not who he expected.

Peter had a freak out moment of "ohmygoshmyteacherknowsimspiderman", when he heard an 'oh shit', from someone behind his teacher.

He peaked around Mr.Harrington to see his entire chemistry class. He grimaced at them, looked between his class and his teacher.

"Well shit man."

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