Natasha Steal Your Clothes Romanoff

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[based off of a tumblr post]
It started as an accident but soon became an assertion of dominance. The male avengers were not to see Natasha Romanoff as a young lady, proper or elegant. They were to see her as a threat. Sure she was a woman, but that only made her more dangerous, she was seductive and could kill you 62 ways with just her pinky.
The first time it happens at the tower, it was normal for Clint and Natasha. If his laundry accidentally got put with hers, she would steal either his SHIELD issued bomber jacket or his favorite purple hoodie. If was a consequence for not staying organized.

But no one was expecting to see Natasha on the coach in the common area, asleep and wearing Clint's hoodie. She had just come back from one of the hardest missions she had ever done. It was rated as a suicide mission, but that was the rating for normal people, not her.

She had come back malnourished, sleep deprived, and half bled out. But she stitched herself up and fell asleep in her favorite chair at 3 am.

When it was officially breakfast time at 8 am, Thor, Steve, Clint, Bruce, and Tony saw her. Clint was glad she was back while the others were confused. She looked so peaceful and off guard that it kind if scared them.

"Is- is that your hoodie Clint?", Steve forces out.

Clint nods and continues on to the kitchen, unconcerned. Tony was appalled and from then on he swore they were married. Thor and Bruce didn't know what to think but both for completely different reasons.

"It was in my laundry;therefore, my clothes",Natasha groans and opens one eye. She scans their faces and goes straight back to sleeping.
The next time it happens, it's a test.

Tony puts his Black Sabbath t-shirt in her laundry to see if she would do it with everyone. He didn't think she would.

So when laundry day came back around, he looked everywhere for his shirt. Natasha shows up to breakfast in it.

They don't talk about it.

The next item of clothing she receives is Steve's light blue athletic shirt. At least when she had Clint and Tony's shirts, they were only 1-2 sizes too big.

Steve has some broad af shoulders, you can't really fit them in any size. So when she walked in to breakfast (it's always breakfast) with Steve's 4 sizes to big shirt on, she caused a bit of a scene.

"I just don't get it",Tony sighs, "What's the point?"

Natasha looked up at him and then back to Steve and Bruce.


They leave it there again.

Thor was off-world for almost 6 straight months. When he came back, there was a lot of catching to do and a lot of settling in. When he started to get comfortable, he would take of the red cape that wad almost always billowing behind him.

Eventually it was collected and taken to laundry. How it even ended up in widow's laundry is still a question asked today.

It was lunch now, laundry a little later than usual. She walks in wearing compression pants, a long sleeved black shirt and a vibrant red cape behind her.

There were no questions asked again.

The weirdest time it happened, it was with Bruce's glasses.

It was dinner now, and Bruce had been looking over some equations when he realized he had left his glasses downstairs. Right before he even thinks about going to get them, the elevator dings and Natasha can be seen though the doorway.

She's in shorts, some t-shirt, and Banner's glasses. She smiles at him, he smiles at her.

"I got your glasses Bruce.", she says calmingly.

Tony sighs, annoyed. Thor has excepted it as midguardian culture. Steve decides he's too old for this crap, and Clint is used to it.
Morale of the story is, don't mix up your clothing or Natasha will wear it.

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