What's so special about Clint?

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There's a bit of info about Eros if you don't know who he is. Also, I'd like to apologize for these upcoming chapters, this is just how im dealing with post-Endgame feelings.

im trying to write this dumb af fanfic and we hit 4k. what the hell-

Side note: will paul rudd ever age or will it be all at once or...?

Clint wasn't very pleased when he got thrown out of a window the first time that day, but this was just pushing it.

Let's back up

avengers tower, 9:00 am, breakfast.

The first problem was the greek god that showed up at the tower looking for the other god of love, Eros.

Aphrodite was not a patient goddess, she got what she wanted when she wanted it. So the fact that she hadn't tried to find him sooner was a surprise. But that went out of the window as soon as she opened her mouth.

It was quiet, the team all eating pancakes that fine Saturday morning, when Friday spoke over the intercom.

"An unidentifiable women is coming up the elevator to your left, boss. I recommend being ready for anything."

The team got up, scrambling and getting ready to fight.

"Well hoW THE HELL DID SHE GET IN ANYWAYS", Tony was livid, ready to completely get rid of Friday after this was over.

Natasha already in a fighting stance, Clint aiming his bow at the elevator, Cap with his shield, Bruce waiting to Hulk out, Tony ready to call an entire calvary of suits, and Thor with mjölner.

The elevator beeped and opened, showing an unnaturally attractive women, who appeared to be around age 30. She looked at the people ready to fight in front of her and was slightly surprised. Until she spotted a familiar face.

"EROS!", the women shouted in a high, annoying, and squeaky voice. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

Clint was the first person to react, not wanting to deal with this.

"NO YOU", he screamed and attempted to run away.

But the goddess of love was used to this behavior from her son. Nevertheless, she was livid. She teleported right in front of him and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Zeus is asking for you, you've been missing for almost 30 YEARS!"

Clint didn't know what faces the team behind him were making, but he knew he had a lot of explaining to do. he decided that he didn't wanna look back anyways so he just looked at his mother and said "Fuck you", and tried to jump out of the window again, only to fail.

Aphrodite did that weird little teleporting thing that you gods can do for some reason and teleported all the avengers away to mount Olympus.

[Skip skip time skip skip]

The shock of the teleportation knocked all of the avengers unconscious except for Clint. so when they woke up they woke up to the sound of 13 people arguing. They had no idea what was going on. Well almost everyone, Natasha was well aware.

Natasha Romanoff/Nuttallia Romanoffs/Natalie Ruschman. All aliases for her past lives and identities. She was the master of all tricks and lies. If Loki wasn't the god of lies and she would be. So unbeknownst to the rest the team, besides Clint, she was acquainted with Artemis. They had things in common like their general distaste for men (in lovers anyway) and their love (or bestfriend's love) in archery.

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