A Day with The Winter Soldier

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Hi, I'm alive. School is extremely hard and tiring. Ily guys.


Maybe it was because of how sleep deprived Tony was.

Maybe it was because Peter told Tony that he couldn't hold Bucky's time as the Winter Soldier against him.

Or maybe it was because he didn't have a babysitter for Peter and Bucky was the only one available.

It was definitely a combination of all three.

But he definitely didn't expect to come home to see this.

The Avengers, all of team cap and team iron, were due to a court meeting on this fine, Saturday afternoon. Well, except Bucky but that was because he was technically on "house arrest" or whatever until the public was given an explanation on "his" terrorist attack. You know, the one that killed King T'Chaka, and sent the next king, King T'Challa, in a blind rage at him.

Yeah, that one. Wonderful, I know.

Some of America was aware of the misconception but some foreign countries were not. And team "let's not start WWIII" (aka the avengers+friends) were completely content with this arrangement. So yeah, it was fine.

Until Tony Stark —genius, billionaire, father, philanthropist— realized that Peter would not , in fact, be going to the meeting either.

And he was over this weekend.

Tony Stank would not leave his spider-child alone in the avengers complex for anything in world. Unless someone was going to kill Peter, but that's a different thing entirely. But he needed someone to come protect the kid from his own boredom, and he realized his only immediate solution.

Bucky Barnes. Sure Bucky had broken free from the curse of his other persona in his time with The Princess of Wakanda, but he was still a bit wary of the ex-hydra assassin. But he could practically hear Peter yelling at him for thinking of 'poor James Buchanan Barnes' as the 'ex-hydra assassin.' The kid told him it was unfair because he didn't have a choice. And Tony argued his side no longer.

So there he was, The Great Tony Stark, running back out of the private jet, much to the annoyance of his other team members. He ran to the common area and pointed to the long haired man on the couch.

"Keep. Peter. Safe."

Bucky nodded his head, and muttered quietly, "whatever it takes."

And for the first time in his time back, Tony trusted him.
—-skippidy doo da—-
Peter woke up confused why it was so quiet in the complex. But he soon remembered that everyone who usually resides here had left to go re-settle the accords. So, he figured he was alone until Friday proved him wrong.

"Mr.Barnes wanted me to make you aware that he was going to make you breakfast when you woke up."

Slightly startled, Peter ponders a bit before replying, "Please tell Mr.Barnes that I said thank you and that I will be down in 15 minutes."

And only 10 seconds later Friday retorts, "He says, 'call me Bucky, kid'."

Peter waves the idea of calling him Bucky off. He wasn't friends with the man, so he wouldn't call him by his nickname.

About 15 minutes later, Peter has showered and changed into sweatpants and a science pun t-shirt. He walks into the common room and shyly waves at Bucky.

"G'mornin' Mr.Barnes."

"Now I get why Stark is annoyed", Bucky joked back.

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