Stupid Cupid

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Happy Pride Month!
Bucky's haircut is the picture above.
Avengers tower residents: O.G. avengers, Sam, Peter, and Bucky

This accidentally turned into Clint x Bucky fanfic and i'm still confused how.
Bucky Barnes was a natural beauty, his eyes the prettiest shade of a frosty blue. His smile reaching his eyes, his face fully into it, making him look like the happiest person alive. When he laughed, he was silent, his face full of pure joy. His face flushed adorably. Except for when he giggled, one of the most beautiful sounds anyone could ever witnessed.

There were too many times you could catch him doing these things though. His hair had gotten longer, forming a curtain over his face, hiding it. When he laughed, his head tilted down, putting even more hair over his eyes and face, letting his peers only see his shoulders shaking, never seeing the joy on his face.

It was a shame really, he was beautiful.

Sometimes Nat or Shuri would force him to tie his hair back or put it in a bun for him but only for missions and other important events, but he was never smiling through those. They were serious things he had to achieve, leaving no time for fun and games.

You'd think his enemies would use his hair against him normally but it didn't really happen. Well it didn't happen for a while, but then when was forced to go undercover, someone forced him into some uncomfortable positions by pulling his hair. And damn did it hurt, the dude was dead now anyways and he deserved it after what he did.

He decided that after that, he would rather not have that happen again, so he came up with the most logical explanation. He was going to get a hair cut.

He had this idea for almost a month before acting on it, there were some many haircuts he could choose from. And his long hair had been a part of him he'd just been through, he defeated the Winter Soldier and his hair was a reminder.

But he wanted to let the Winter Soldier go, so he decided what he wanted and went out and got it.

Bucky lived in the tower with the other avengers and Peter, they were one big family. So when he got home from his hair appointment, they were all chilling it the living room together, which is about 20 feet from the elevator he had just got out of.

Peter heard the soft ding of the elevator with his enhanced hearing. He turned to greet Bucky from the couch while the others were talking amongst themselves. He turned and spotted him, he smiled but then he stopped and his jaw dropped. He stuttered out some nonexistent words before catching Tony's attention. Tony stopped talking and tilted his head in confusing and asked Peter if he was okay.

Peter stuttered again, changing his line of vision from Bucky to Tony and back again. The team followed his eyes and turned around as well. They went into shock as well and Peter took this time to shoot out of his seat sprint to the man of the hour himself.

"Wow he's so pretty- how didn't I realize- I think I just got at least 40% gayer", Peter whispers while running his hands through Bucky's hair.

Bucky looks slightly disturbed and confused before the rest of the avengers move toward him. They all complimented him, and Natasha complains about how she can't do his hair now that it's short.

A week goes by and everyone's attention seems to still be caught by Bucky. He thinks it's because if his haircut, but really it's the team trying to cope with what they've been missing out on.

James Buchanan Barnes could have been a goddamned model. He was just so eye catching and it was getting harder to look away each time they saw him. Everyone seemed to realize every feature about him.

The way he laughed stopped everyone's hearts, this man was an angel. The way his eyebrows furrowed and the way he tugged at the skin on his lips when he focused. The way he bit his lip when he was bored or nervous or even trying to repress his laughter. The fact his lips were so pink, the contrast of them to his pale and creamy skin.

Honestly, everyone in the tower was downright falling for him.

He was still a bit confused on what was happening but then he got offered 16 different modeling jobs on the street and he began to understand. He was a bit flustered at first but then he used this newly founded infatuation with him to his advantage.

It ranged from getting out of different chores to getting food. Eventually he felt bad and stopped playing around as well.

It had been a month now, and everyone seemed to go back to normal. Bucky was kind of glad they were treating him normally again. Most of the people in the tower still had eyes on him though.

As far as he could tell, Bruce and Thor were dating and Tony didn't care for anyone at the moment. Natasha had eyes on a certain someone's Aunt. Peter was too young to be an option so, ew, and Sam and Steve seemed to almost be fighting over him.

Clint on the other hand seemed like he could care less. But sometimes he caught him looking at him though. And sometimes he caught himself looking at Clint.

Clint was a different kind of Handsome. His ruggedness is what captured Bucky's eyes. No one seemed to appreciate his good-looks, mostly because he stayed out of the spotlight most of the time. He had a rough look to him, and always carried a mischievous glint in his eyes. He managed to be silent and outspoken at the same time. Bucky saw through his jokes, saw straight to the trauma he was joking through. He wasn't the only person that had even been mind-controlled.

Clint made even what was left of the Winter Soldier nervous, he was unpredictable.

And that's how Bucky Barnes fell in love with Clint Barton.

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