I ate the Stars at sundown

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*shruggs* idk either

so we hit 8k, then 9k, and now 10k in one week and I'd like to say thanks. Also chapter out tomorrow, this one is out being it just is. Also I'm currently working on three requests, all of them continuations of previous chapters, so get ready for that.
*finger guns*

Peter was slightly a little bit a lot drunk. In his defense, it was a science experiment to see if his enhanced metabolism worked against alcohol. And it did, until about an entire bottle of vodka later.

He did the experiment in the Avengers common area while they were on a mission.

The team came home to the spider-teen laying face first on the ceiling.

Peter couldn't stop laughing at everything so somewhere in his brain, something decided that he couldn't laugh at everything if there was nothing to laugh at.

It was wrong.

So now Peter was giggling like a maniac on the ceiling when Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Steve, Sam, and Bucky came home.

When they first stepped out of the elevator, onto the floor, they were assuming Peter was down in the lab. Tony was just about to ask Friday if he was down there when he heard the laughter.

He looked up and saw Peter, he sighed, wondering what he was laughing about this time.

"Peter, buddy, could you please not smoosh your face into the ceiling? Thank you."

Peter rolled onto his back, still laughing. Now that the laughing was unmuffled, it sounded more like he was crackling. This worried everyone.

"You good Pete?", Sam asked.He was kinda creeped out.

"Yeah ребенок паук, why are laughing so much?", Natasha asked softly.

Something clicked in Peter then. He was drunk, on the ceiling, laughing his brains out. He stopped laughing for about 30 seconds.

Then he fell out the ceiling, face first onto the floor, and started laughing again.

Steve winced, "that looks like it hurt."

Bucky nodded, "apparently it was funny."

Wanda tried to see into his mind, but she couldn't get through. This worried her.

Vision saw the magic glowing in her eyes, and then the look of confusion spread on her face.

"What's wrong?", he asked softly.

Her look of mixed worry and confusion attracted everyone else's attention.

"I can't tell what he's thinking, I can't get into his mind."

Usually no one could block Wanda from getting into their heads. The only exception was if they were strong enough to keep her out.

Moving on from that, they decided just to ask FRIDAY to run diagnostics.

"Fri, what's wrong with the spiderbaby?", Tony asked.

"I suppose it's complicated."

This led to everyone giving each other confused looks.

"Start to finish", Tony sighed out.

"Apparently, Ned and Peter wanted to test if Peter could get drunk and how long it would take. They gave up after 3 bottles of Vodka later. The problem is, the metabolism held up against the alcohol for a while, but when he returned home, it crashed on him all at once. Hence the slightly crazed Peter on the floor."

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