Chapter 12: Tick Tock (I changed the ending so reread if you need to)

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"how long has he been underwater?" Aria asked nervously

"A long time, he's almost beaten his record" Kai said excitedly

"Shouldn't we get him out?" Aria asked

"he's ok, don't worry" Cole said

After awhile longer Zane surfaces and the ninja all cheer

"have I broken the record?" Zane asked

"more like destroyed it!" Jay shouted excitedly

"We have all made a lot accomplishments these past couple months, I wonder if we've reached our full potential yet" Kai said

"You have only reached your physical peak, your true potential requires mental enlightenment as well" Sensei Wu said as he entered the room to which the ninja whined about

"when I was younger me and my brother were the best of friends. One day while we were practicing our skills, I lost my katana, and my older brother sought to find it, knowing our father would not be pleased. Garmadon found the katana after clambering over the wall, however, he was bitten by a small green snake. In the following days after, Garmadon developed an increasingly darker nature, thanks to the snake bite that was from a legendary snake, the Great Devourer." Wu told them

"that's so awful" Aria said sadly and Wu placed a hand on her shoulder

"sadly we cannot change the past, we can only look to the future. That said, I am going on a journey, alone" Wu said

"what no" Aria said holding onto his arm

"sensei you can't" Jay argued

"we need you here with us" Zane agreed

"It must be done" Wu said patting Aria's head

The Ninja are all taken aback, but they and Nya oblige, dropping Wu off at a nearby mountain. Afterwards, the Ninja decide to go to Jamanakai Village to post signs about the missing Fangblades. As Zane is posting signs, he sees the Falcon.

The Ninja travel through different terrains to reach the Falcon's destination. Eventually Jay, Cole and Kai become too tired to go on while Zane and Aria proceed into a frosted forest. The Falcon suddenly drops to the snowy ground. 

"Is it ok?" Aria asked as they approached it

Zane picks it up and finds it is mechanical. Zane is then disturbed by a robot, though quickly destroys it to find the same symbol on the robot and the Falcon. Zane proceeds into a hollow tree which he discovers is a workshop. While searching through the building, he finds a blueprint with a figure on it and drops to his knees, yelling in disbelief. 

"Zane what's wrong" Aria asked worried and ran over to him

"I am not..." Zane shook his head in disbelief

The rest of the Ninja arrive and find Zane on his knees with Aria kneeling beside him.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked

Zane stood up and opened up his torso, he's a robot.

"This is why I never really understood anyone and why I act so different" Zane said sadly and Aria hugged him

"You might not be human, but you are still our brother" Cole said

"Yeah no matter what" Jay agreed

"Thank you, but I wish to be left alone right now" Zane said sadly

"Come on Aria" Kai said taking Aria's hand and leading her out of the workshop with them

They are soon attacked by Treehorns. They dodge their attacks at first, but are unable to defeat them and are quickly subdued.

In the workshop, Zane takes another look at his blueprints and, realizing he has a Memory switch, flips the switch on. He remembers his father, Dr. Julien, and the different things he taught him over the years.

His father explains to Zane that he was built to protect others, and wishing to save his son the pain of heartbreak, turns off his Memory switch before passing away of old age. Zane, having regained his memories, sheds a tear for his father.

"ZANE" he heard Aria yell

He quickly rusher out to help his friends. Together they defeat the Treehorns, but things take a turn for the worse when the Queen arrives. Zane backs down a bit.

"Zane listen to me, you're not just a robot you're our friend, our brother, our family. All families are different, our family is very different and we come from different places but that's what makes our family so special, it's what makes us a family" Aria said

"you are right Aria, I know who I am, and I will not let anyone hurt my family" with that Zane now realizing who he is, Zane overcomes the obstacles of his heart and reaches his True Potential.

Using his newfound powers, Zane freezes the Queen as the other Treehorns retreat. While the other Ninja are happy for Zane for being the first to unlock his True Potential,

Kai looked at Aria who was staring at the frozen treehorn. He walked over to her and waved his hand in front of her face. She blinked a couple times and looked at him.

"W-what?" She asked

"You were staring off" he said

"Sorry" she apologized and went over to the other ninja with him

"What's up with her? Kai asked himself

Ninjago: The Purple NinjaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora