Chapter 47: The Temple on Haunted Hill

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The Ninja arrive at Master Yang's Haunted Temple with a tour guide.

"legend has it that anyone left in the temple by dawn will become a ghost" the tour guide said

When the tour bus leaves, the Ninja emerge from their hiding places.

"Master Yang's Haunted Temple, are you sure Ronin gave us the right place?" Cole questioned

"I hope so" Kai said

"You know what guys I have a dragon and a fear of heights so I think I'll pass on the airjitzu" Aria said turning around and sitting on a rock "I'll wait right here"

"If you say so" Jay shrugged and the ninja entered the temple.

Aria laid down on the rock and fell asleep

"Aria" Morro ran in happily "Sensei thinks I might be the green ninja"

"really" Aria looked up from her sketch book "that's amazing"

"I know right and sensei said he's going to bring the golden weapons together" Morro said "it's going to change our lives forever"

Aria opened her eyes "damn I fell asleep" she turned to the temple as the clock began to chime

The ninjas made it outside the temple as the last chime chimed

"Where's Cole?" Aria questioned as she walked over to them

Cole finally got out of the temple, the ninja are shocked

"you didn't make it out in time" Kai said

Cole looks at himself and sadly says "I'm a ghost"

Aria started crying and Kai hugged her

"Aria don't cry" Cole said "I'm still here"

"I should've went in with you guys, I could've kept us all together" Aria said

"It's not your fault, it'll be ok" Zane said

Aria wiped her eyes and Kai patted her back "we've gotta keep moving"

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