Chapter 53: Curseworld Part II

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In the city of Stiix, Jay, Zane, Cole, Kai, and Nya gather around the remains of Ronin's pawn shop, as the Preeminent's tentacles emerge. Civilians desperately flee to the docks, where Master Wu, Misako, and Ronin agree that they need to evacuate the city.

"What should we do?" Cole asked

"The real question is what would Aria do" Jay said

Kai sighed "right now she would probrobly say-


"Aria where are you!" Jay shouted looking around

"I'm under the fucken docks! It's like he's trying to drown me!" Aria shouted

Kai and Jay jumped into the water and swam underneath the docks until they found Aria chained to a post wither her head above the water a bit, but the uneven waves keep pushing her head under. Jay helped keep her head above the water as Kai burned her chains off in seconds.

They helped bring her back up where Cole, Zane, and Nya were. Aria coughed up all the water she breathed in while Kai used his fire to warm her up.

"You ok?" Kai asked

"yeah, I don't think Morro thought through where to hide me" Aria replied taking breaths in between

The Preeminent fully emerges, with the Ninja unsuccessfully attempting to subdue it. In the meantime, Morro confronts Wu with the Realm Crystal.

"Now that Lloyd's gone I'm the green ninja" Morro proclaimed

"I trained you to be a ninja that protects, not one that destroys" Wu angrily retorts

One of the Preeminent's tentacles seizes Misako, and Wu pursues, with Ronin ordering the civilians to ready the ferry, to be ready to leave when they return. The Ninja hopelessly try to battle the Preeminent, with the Jay Walker One being destroyed, and the Blaster Bike being lost trying to weaken the beast, while Wu saves Misako.

As the Ninja battle the Preeminent, Lloyd awakens in the Cursed Realm and flees almost immediately when he sees a group of ghosts. This attracts the attention of the imprisoned Chen, who believes he saw Lloyd run by, but Clouse remarks that he's seeing things again. Lloyd runs through the Cursed Realm, and suddenly, he finds his father bound in chains on either arm.

"Dad" Lloyd said happily as he embraces him and tries to break his chains

"It's no use, they're unbreakable" Garmadon tells him "The cursed realm is the preeminent and the preeminent is the cursed realm"

"Morro has the realm Crystal and now is the green ninja" Lloyd states

"To save ninjago you must destroy the Preeminent" Garmadon says

"But if i destroy the preeminent it'll destroy the cursed realm and everyone inside it, including you" Lloyd replied sadly

"Whatever happens to me, I'll always be with you. At some point in life every boy must become a man, but it's their decision as to what kind of man they choose to be" Garmadon says

"How could i become a man, I can't even protect my girlfriend" Lloyd replied

"Lloyd their's something I needed to give you when you were ready, but I can only give it to you now so it's up to you to decide when you are ready" Garmadon said "go into my pocket"

Lloyd did and pulled out a small box. As he began to open it garmadon shook his head.

"Only open it when you're ready" Garmadon said

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