Chapter 38: Spy for a Spy

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A banquet is being held for the eight remaining competitors who have made it to the second round.

"This doesn't seem like something you'd do grandpa" Aria said suspiciously

"oh lighten up kiddo, why don't you go preform for us" Chen replied

"you mean dance, I don't think so" Aria refused

"oh come on you're no fun" Chen pouted

Aria smirked "return Lloyd and maybe i'll consider it"

"He lost" Chen said

"oh well, everyone would've just hated the fact that the ninja got a second chance but not everyone else, it's for the best anyway, I wouldn't want everyone to hate us again" Aria shrugged

"I see what your doing" Kai whispered to Aria

"hmm" Chen smiled "Clouse bring the green ninja back, Aria go change"

"Alright" Aria said standing up 

"That's our girl" Kai said

"smart" Garmadon said

Aria left to change as Lloyd was brought back.

"Attention everyone, the result of the last match was unfair since miss Lord did not use her elemental powers against the green ninja, he will be back in the tournament" Chen announced and everyone complained

Lloyd sat next to the ninja"Where's Aria?"

"Changing" Jay replied

"Chen wants her to perform, but perform what?"

"Dance probably, Aria's a dancer" Lloyd replied

"interesting" Garmadon said

"Come on dad, Aria's not that bad" Lloyd sighed

"I know" Garmadon said looking down

"then what's wrong with you?" Lloyd asked

"Nothing" Garmadon said "look there she is"

"I don't want to do this" Aria complained

"You look hot" Lloyd said looking her up and down

"Lloyd you pervert!" Aria shouted at him

"I did not raise my son like that" Garmadon said

"you didn't raise me more then half my life" Lloyd said

"Aria come" Chen said and Aria reluctantly went up

Aria sits down between Lloyd and Kai. Some of the other elementals were staring at Aria. Kai glared at them as Lloyd placed his Jacket over Aria.

"I am never doing that again" Aria said laying her head against Lloyd 

The masters discuss their current standpoint, while Griffin Turner states he attempted to enlist Shadow, but he refused. As the fortune cookies are brought in, Chen demands to have them brought to him, while Clouse reminds him of the competitors' whispering.

As Chen decides to take action, he puts the fortune with Cole's message back. He rises and tells the remaining eight that he knows that they have a secret alliance, and that the Tournament is about stealing everyone's powers.

To crumble the alliance, Chen lies and tells that whoever wins gets his Staff of Elements. Lloyd, disgusted, reveals Neuro had read Clouse's mind, though Neuro denies it after being glared at by Clouse. 

This, combined with Griffin saying Lloyd just wants the staff for himself, is enough to weaken the alliance. Jay states the Ninja now need proof to fully convince everyone, while being pestered by a kabuki, until it's revealed to be Nya. 

After telling Jay she knows what happened between him and Cole, she tells the Ninja that she and Dareth are undercover, and that one person in their group must be a spy if Chen managed to find out about their plans. Skylor approaches them and gives Kai the fortune with Cole's message.

Surprising everyone that Cole had managed to find Zane, and making Kai glad to know he can trust her. Jay questions who the spy could be, while Lloyd becomes convinced it's Shadow and glares at him. 

In Kai's quarters, all the fighters are gathered to find the spy. 

"Everyone show their backs, the spy will have a snake tattoo" Garmadon said

 Eventually, it comes down to Skylor, Aria who wasn't there, and Shadow. Skylor attempted to stall and guilt trip Kai until he says he trusts her. Just before she does show, Griffin notices Shadow attempting to escape.

"I ain't your ally or the spy, i'll do whatever it takes to get that staff" Shadow states "For all you guys know it could be green boys girl, she ain't here, he's just protecting her"

Lloyd's attempt to stop him results in Jay's leg being hurt. Shadow escapes, Kai attempts to apologize Skylor, who shows him her back without a tattoo. Jay sits on a chair as they continue their discussion.

"So it's either Shadow or Aria" Neuro says

"It's not Aria" Lloyd said

"How do you know?" Neuro asks

"I've, um, seen her back" Lloyd said as his cheeks turn a bit red

"Really, when?" Garmadon asked with a slight smirk

"Why does that matter!" Lloyd shouted clearly embarrassed

Kai raised in eyebrow "What are you so embarrassed about Lloy- OH"

"We were taking a shower!" Lloyd shouted

"Sure that's all you did" Jay said wiggling his eyebrows

Lloyd covered his face and left the room.

Kai shook his head "The kid got laid before all of us, that's unfair"

Garmadon laughed "that's my boy"

"what?" Kai questioned

"Just a cough" Garmadon said fake coughing

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