Chapter 81: Saving Faith

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It was Aria's 5th birthday and her mother and father were just killed. Garmadon was carrying sleeping Aria in his arms as the elemental masters, Wu and Garmadon were heading back to the monestary.

"What's in the box Layla gave you?" Wu asked

"Lloyd and Aria's engagement rings" Garmadon replied

"you didn't tell me they were engaged!" Wu shouted

"They're still young, I don't even know if they'll fall in love, I'm going to send Aria to Darkely's with Lloyd" Garmadon said

"Isn't that a boy's school?" Wu asked

"Yes but only for a little bit, after I know Lloyd is ok I want you to train her" Garmadon said

"train her, to be good?" Wu questioned

"the Overlord and Layla wanted the best for her, I believe you will be able to do that. It is Layla's dying wish for us to look after Aria" Garmadon said

"It will be my honor to train the princess" Wu agreed "I'll train her well


Aria opened her eyes to see Ari

"Do you understand now?" Ari asked

"I have golden energy in me!" Aria shouted standing up

"yes and since the Overlord resurrected your mother as a demon, you can be resurrected by awaking your demon side which will also awaken your golden powers" Ari explained

"How do I do that?" Aria asked

"It'll be painful, we can start now if you wish" Ari said

"I need to get to Lloyd and the others" Aria said

Ari smiled "then let us begin"

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