part 31 ~ heartbroken

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To: Mattyboy❤

Where are you??

With Alex and Gracie

I need to talk to you. Right now.

Can't it wait?

No, it really can't.

I spoke to Harry, he called me

I'm not even surprised anymore

I really need to talk to you
It's highly important

If it's so important just tell me

Not like this.
I feel like crying baby please

Give me 5 minutes

Thank you :(


    《I will just sob uncontrollably, I can't》I shook fearfully in front of the two girls.

    《Everything will be fine, okay?》Alexandra hugged me tight,《If you feel like crying just do it, he will understand, trust me》

    I walked towards Matthew, who was sitting on the green grass by the lake. He had his head in his hands desperately as I approached him. Without speaking or anything, I slid down next to him and tried to fight the tears back. The tall boy snapped his head in my direction and stared at me in a very odd and sad way.

    《Baby》his voice cracked, and it apparently was enough for me to brust into tears. He quickly wrapped his warm arms around me and pulled me closer, hugging me the tighter he ever did. I sobbed against his chest, probably ruining his shirt, but he didn't speak. He just held me into his arms, like I was some kind of treasure he needed to protect.

    《Harry didn't want to act behind your back. He just knows things you don't and felt like I needed to know how you felt. How do you feel?》

    《Like my heart has been ripped off》I spoke weakly with shaking voice as a sob escaped my throat.

    《Baby please listen to me》he begged.《I mean it, I've never felt this way before. Ever. I swear baby please》

    《Well maybe when the next one will come you'll feel even more things, you can't know》I cried.

    《I do know. And you know why?》he placed his thumb and idex under my chin and made me look up at him. --《Because I don't want anyone else but you from now on. And I know it's probably rushed and everything but I don't care. You're the only thing I care about》

    《Matt? What are you saying?》my whole body trembled.

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