Chapter 2

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I know I'm awake but I can't seem to pry my eyes open. I know it's not a dream because I can wiggle my fingers and toes slightly. The pain that I feel in my legs and back is a grim reminder of what happened. The sound of the heart rate monitor to my right is the only noise in the room. Suddenly I hear footsteps and voices outside my room, and then the door to my room is slammed open.

"I knew it! She's a rogue and you guys still had the audacity to bring her here." I hear a low gravely voice say with such venom behind the words it almost makes me apprehensive to open my eyes.

"Ryder we pulled another rogue off her. It's not like she was attacking one of our own." A voice I finally recognize as hazel eyes, or Alex, speaks up.

"You don't know what her intentions were. She could have been on her way to attack us and bumped into the wrong person, or worse this could have been a ploy to get her onto our territory!" Shouts the angry one. I hear a loud booming laugh follow his words.

"O.K. Ryder, now that's just ridiculous. I mean come on, she's harmless, look at her." I'm not harmless! I'll show them just how harmful I can be. Finally I'm able to snap my eyes open. The sight I'm greeted with is three men jumping back slightly. They were staring at me and must not have expected me to be awake. Blue eyes who helped me get here is the first to speak up.

"Or maybe she is." I move to sit up only to hiss at the excruciating pain in my back. Alex walks over to fix my pillow and help me sit upright in a semi comfortable position. I turn to the two that helped me not die.

"Thank you, you know, for not leaving me out there." Blue eyes steps forward with a smirk on his face holding his hand out.

"You're welcome. My names Emeric and this is Alex." I nod ignoring his hand. Just because they saved me doesn't mean I trust them. Emeric lowers his hand, "Oh and grumpy pants over there is Ryder." He points to the brooding man by the door. He has unusually midnight black hair, but it's his eyes that captivate me, one is a deep blue and the is a light brown. He is just standing there glaring at me while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. I match his glare not backing down. I don't like his obvious hatred  for rogues or his snippy attitude.

"I'm going to go get Violet." Alex mumbles out to no one in particular, clearly trying to clear the tension in the room. He leaves the room shutting the door behind him, but my eyes are still on Ryder. Neither one of us are backing down any time soon, so I want some answers.

"The names' Della. Now why don't you tell me what the hell your problem is?" I spit out. Last time I checked I have done nothing wrong except enter the pack without permission. To be fair I had a good reason.

"My problem is the fact that two of my best friends drag a filthy rogue here when they should have left you in the woods." He barks back with authority clearly trying to intimidate me. Little does he know I have alpha blood running through my veins.

"You have no fucking clue what I have seen out there, done out there, and heard out there. Not everyone chooses to be a rogue. Sometimes it's a last resort, so if you'll kindly shove your assumptions up your ass and leave that would be great." I lean forward so he can feel the power radiating off me. He looks taken aback for a second but quickly masks it with a pissed off expression. Just as he opens his mouth the door opens.

"Oh good, you already look better." The women from earlier comes to my side to check my IV. Up close I notice how her hair isn't black, it's just really dark brown, but her eyes are a warm light shade of brown. I grab her wrist which is when I notice Alex takes a step forward anxiously. They're mates.

"Thank you" I tell her trying to give her a genuine smile. I pull my hand back before Alex's wolf decides to make an appearance. She gives a friendly smile in return.

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