Chapter 18

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I start heading down the path towards the pack house when a women's voice stops me.

"Hello Luna." A girl that can't be too much younger than me is standing there with a bright smile. Her hair is bright red but it looks natural, and her eyes are a warm brown.

"Hello! What's your name?" It makes me so delighted when our pack members want to talk to me. It makes all those nights where I couldn't sleep worried about if they would  accept me worthwhile.

"Annabella." Her hair is tied up in a ponytail, and she's wearing workout clothes so I assume she was just training. If I had to guess I would say she's a warrior based on her athletic build.

"That's a beautiful name. Are you a warrior?" I know I'm horrible at small talk, but over time I'm sure I'll get the hang of it.

"Yeah I just moved up a tier, so I get to train along side the Alpha's warriors. I wanted to introduce myself since I didn't get the chance to Thursday."  I'm impressed because I know it takes a lot of hard work to advance up that high in the ranks.

"Well it was lovely to meet you and I would love to talk another time, but I have to get going." I don't want Aidan or anyone to worry about me for being late.

"Of course I'll see you around!" She waves at me jogging back towards the training grounds. I'll have to make sure to get lunch with her to apologize for not having time to talk to her.

I decide to jog the rest of the way to the pack house because I'm already late and it's not that hot out today. Fortunately it's not that crowded on the ground floor of the pack house so I don't get stopped again. I quickly make my way up to Aidan's office and knock on the door.

I walk in when I hear him yell to come in. When he sees it's me he gets up and rounds his desk to pull me into a kiss. I kiss him back but pull away before we get carried away again.

"How has your day been so far?" He keeps his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me close to him. Not that I mind at all. I snake my arms around his shoulders, and play with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck.

"It was good, I moved all my clothes into your closet. I hope that was ok." His smile somehow grows even bigger.

"That is perfectly okay. I just don't want you to feel like you have to just because Fletcher is here. I can clear out one of the other rooms for you or Fletcher if that's what you want." Aidan's always way too considerate. I shake my head at the suggestion.

"Nope I like where my clothes are thank you very much."

"Good because I do too."

"Oh and I beat Emeric in a match!" I yell excitedly. Aidan looks shocked for a second then really proud.

"Congratulations! Although next time I would like to see it myself."

"Deal." I step back and hold out my hand like we just finished a business deal. Aidan laughs and shakes my hand.

"So why did you want to see me?" He turns extending his arm to show me the room. Nothing's changed except there is a desk right next to his. It's the same size except the new one is a slightly lighter shade. Aidan watches my reaction waiting to see how I feel about it. "Is that mine?" He hesitatently nods worried about my reaction. "I love it." I pull him into a hug.

"I'm glad you like it. You can pick out anything you need or want for it and the room. I just can't wait to get you running this pack with me everyday." I smile and walk over to my new desk. There are six drawers in total, three on each side. I'm already organizing and decorating it in my head, picking out pens and notepads that would look good together.

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