Chapter 15

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Not long after Violet finished helping me into the dress Emeric came in to stay with me until it was time to head downstairs. Violet left to go and greet the guests as to not arise any suspicions.

I'm pacing back and forth in my room as Emeric is sitting on my bed flicking through the channels on the tv. I don't understand how he can be so calm with all the things at stake.

"Distract me." I halt my movements at the foot of my bed. If I keep thinking about all the possible horrible outcomes I'm going to go drive myself insane.

"Distract you?" He drops the remote on the bed. "Fine come take a seat." He pats the bed next to him. I maneuver onto the bed next to him trying not to tear or wrinkle my dress. "Give me your hand." I hesitate giving him a puzzled look.


"I'm hoping this will put you at ease. If I make a small cut on your finger and a similar one on mine, and swear an oath to protect you a bond will form. Not like the bond between you and Aidan, but it will create a bond where if you need me and can't mind link me just pinch or prick your finger and I'll be able to feel it. Kind of like a silent call for help." I like the sound of that. Out of everyone Emeric and I have grown the closest, and I trust him. Plus you never know when I'm going to be in trouble and need help.

"Let's do this." I shift so I'm facing him on the bed. "One question though, why our fingers?" He pulls out a hidden knife from under his pant leg that was hidden in his boot.

"It will leave a small scar that is sort of like a mark. If a threat saw it then it's pointless."

"How would it be pointless?"

"Because they would somehow restrain you so you wouldn't be able to signal the other person." I have got to give Emeric credit, he has thought this through.

"Alright which finger?" He grabs my pinky looking at me asking for permission. When I give him the okay he makes a cut the size of a paper cut on the side of my pinky. Recreating and identical one on his pinky. He joins our pinky's in a pinky promise clasp, looking me straight in the eye.

"I Emeric Winters swear an oath to you Della King to protect you. I promise to never lie, betray, or hurt you in anyway. Your safety will remain my top priority for as long as I live. My Luna, best friend, and family." A small jolt runs from my finger to the rest of my body. Emeric lets go of my finger as I wipe a tear that escaped from my eye during his speech.

"That was really sweet Emeric." I pull him by the shoulders into a hug. When I pull back I see his eyes glaze over.

"They have him." He stands up pulling me up with him.

"Fletcher?" I follow him as he hurriedly makes his way out of the room.

"Yes, but we have to hurry." We pick up our pace once on the first set of stairs. When we reach the ground floor we head in the opposite direction of the ballroom. We stop in front of a door at the very end of a hallway.

I take a deep breath preparing myself for seeing my brother for the first time in eight years. Emeric grabs the door handle looking to me for affirmation. When I give him a curt nod he swings the door open letting me step in first.

Fletcher has his back to the door arguing with Alex. He's grown taller than me now, and his hair has darkened from its natural blonde. I step into the room moving over to let Emeric come in and shut the door behind us.

"Listen you said I was going to talk about fighting strategies with a Ryder dude, and I don't see him here." Fletcher waves his hand around. He turns around to prove that no one else is in the room, and abruptly halts when his eyes land on me.

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