Chapter 5

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"I don't think it's best if you're in here when she wakes up. You saw how she reacted when you tried to help. She screamed as if someone was torturing her. I have worked in our hospital for a while now and I've never heard anyone sound so agonized." I inwardly cringe.  I can hear everything around me, but my body won't allow me to move. The beeping of the heart rate monitor as well as Violet's statement are the only indication that last night was real.

It's not possible for him to be my mate. My father and mother both told me when I was fifteen that my mate died in battle. That was the night I left. I had already known my father's reign was wrong and despicable, and when I found out his plans for destroying families just to gain more land and power it was all too much.

Throughout my life I have been told by many pack members that certain high-ranked wolves can identify their children's mates. It's something you learn in school when studying the powers that wolves can have. Since my father is an Alpha, and my Mother a Luna, I know they watched my mate die on that battlefield. My mother, Raven, offered to tell me his name, but I refused. Why would I want to fantasize about the impossible?

A growl rips through the room startling me. I can hear the heart rate monitor spike slightly. Thankfully, they don't seem to notice.

"I am her mate, I deserve to be here for her when she wakes up." I feel my lungs tighten just a sliver from his confession. Not only does this man believe he's my mate, he is a possessive hot-head who won't let me go so easily. It's as if all my nightmares came together as some sort of sick joke.

"No! You don't get to be near her when she comes to. Not when it's the opposite of beneficial for her health. You saw how she declined when you touched her, Aidan. It's the safest option for the both of you to wait until I find out why she reacted the way she did." 'Aidan', I know that name from somewhere.. sorting through my muddled brain to pinpoint who Aidan is exhausting.

I can hear them bickering in the background as I try desperately to figure out who Aidan is. I have heard that name recently, but my brain is deciding now to not cooperate. Suddenly it's as if a light-switch went of in my head.

Aidan's the Alpha of this pack. Aidan believes he is my mate. Aidan believes that I'm his other half. That I will be the only one who will understand him on a level that no one would even be able to get close to. Aidan will never let me leave.

I can hear my breathing increase and the heart rate monitor start beeping uncontrollably. The sound must have caught their attention because not even a second later I feel the sparks on my face. He's pushing the hair out of my face. I want to run so badly, but I can't seem to wake.up.. I'm useless, just lying here unable to express how I feel.

I finally gain control of my limbs and shoot straight up, almost colliding with Aidan's head. Violet is to my left, immediately trying to calm me down. The problem is I can't hear her. I see hear lips moving but all I hear is a light ringing in my ears. Violet sees that I'm not comprehending what she's telling me. Her eyes suddenly widen, and she's shouting something to Aidan. She's too late though, I feel his hand wrap around my wrist. The ringing immediately stops.

"Della." The delicacy in which he speaks my name is a stark contrast to his gruff, rough voice.  My wolf doesn't give me a chance to think. she decides for me. We are not ready to face this situation filled with pain and loss. The only thing we are used to is running, so that what we do. We run.

I jump from the hospital bed, sprinting forward towards the door of the room. Once in the hall, I realize it's the same room I stayed in previously. I sift through my memories to remember the way out of this place and into the woods. I knock into a few nurses on my way out but it doesn't slow me down.

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