Chapter 17

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Aidan's breath is tickling my neck. I've been awake for a couple of minutes, but I just wanted a few extra minutes to myself before I face today. Aidan's still asleep behind me with his arm slung around my waist keeping me in place. I slip out of his hold and groan as I stretch my arms above my head.

I tip toe into the closet to put together an outfit from the few clothing items I have in Aidan's closet. I should probably move all of my clothes from my room into here. I pick out a plain blue t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. I step out of the closet to make my way into the bathroom but am stopped by the sound of Aidan's voice.

"Morning beautiful." He is sitting up against the headboard rubbing the sleep away from one of his eyes. I just roll my eyes at his remark and continue my way into the bathroom.

"Morning gorgeous." I say giggling at his booming laugh that can still be heard even after I shut the bathroom door. I change and do my business quickly wanting to start breakfast. I didn't eat as much as I usually would last night since my stomach was in knots with nerves.

I wash and dry my hands before making my way back into the bedroom. Aidan has changed into black jeans and a white t-shirt, but he still has severe bed head. I don't say anything about it and walk out of the room. I'll let Fletcher sleep in so I make down the hallway. Just as I go to turn into the kitchen a voice startles me.

"Morning." I jump back and put my hand on my chest above my heart. Fletcher is sitting on the couch in the living room wearing the same shirt and basketball shorts I gave him last night. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok it's just I'm usually the first one up in the morning." I motion for him to follow me into the kitchen. He sits down on one of the barstools in front of the counter. I start the coffee machine so it will be done once Violet wakes up.

"I usually would have to get up at four in the morning for training, so I've been up for a few hours."

"I'm sorry I hope you weren't too bored."

"I was fine. I took a shower plus you had a couple of books to choose from." I forgot about the few romance novels that were on my bookshelf.

I grab the pan that we always use to make eggs and get out the ingredients to make pancakes. It doesn't bother me when I'm the first one up making it my responsibility to start breakfast. It usually isn't long before someone else wakes up and helps out.

"Do you want some help?" Fletcher speaks up.

"If you want you can scramble the eggs. Just try not to burn them." I tease. A comfortable silence falls over us as we cook. Aidan walks in and gives me a kiss before grabbing coffee. He takes a few sips and then joins in on helping us finish up breakfast.

"Morning." Emeric walks in and starts to set our table. I can see the curious look Fletcher gives him. I guess I never considered how rehearsed this must seem to someone who isn't here everyday. I'll have to explain later that we do this every morning. I know at home we never ate together or convened in one area to talk.

Violet and Alex walk in just as we are finishing  setting the table. Aidan plops down in his chair and as always pulls my chair closer to his. Fletcher looks conflicted on where to sit now that he understands that we have a routine. I felt the same way on that first day.

"Is it alright if Fletcher sits next to me today?" Mind linking with anyone  has definitely come in handy. I know Emeric always sits next to me but I'm sure he'll make an exception.

"Of course." Emeric is still in the kitchen getting his coffee, so I pat the chair next to me and Fletcher gives me a warm smile. Once we are all seated the conversation from last night starts up again.

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