Chapter 28

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Aidan is holding my right hand and Tessa is clutching my left as we walk down a path to find a spot for our picnic tea party. No matter how uneasy I am at the moment I would never let Tessa down by cancelling her day. She's been through enough as it is and I just want her to have the most normal childhood as she can.

Dinner last night was tense to say the least. I kept to myself the whole time not engaging in any conversations while subtlety watching everyone like a hawk. I know Emeric and Alex are hurt by my reaction yesterday, but until I figure out who's working for Blake I don't care about feelings. Even if it isn't them they will understand later when I explain everything. The worst part was feeling so alone because the only person I felt I could trust was Aidan, and he doesn't believe Blake's words. Maybe I've finally lost it, but I just know he was telling the truth.

"Did you pack the blueberries?" Tessa asks pulling me from my thoughts. Her and her blueberries, I swear one day she's going to turn into a blueberry. I swing our hands back and forth to distract myself from my anxious thoughts.

"Yes, and apple juice." She cheers throwing her free hand in the air excitedly. I guess we should be happy she's taken a liking to fruits instead of junk food. Fletcher and Ryder are walking along behind us each carrying a basket filled with food, and Violet and Alex follow along behind them with a quiet Emeric trailing last.

Ever since last night Emeric has been quiet and distance from everyone. It only makes me more suspicious of his motives. He is the only one of us who doesn't have a mate meaning he doesn't have someone to lose. It kills me to think he could be a traitor because we have always been the closest from the beginning.

"Let's set up right here." Aidan points to a nice patch of grass with a view of the small pond, pulling the blanket off of his shoulder and laying it out flat on the grass. Ryder and Alex do the same with theirs so there's one big blob of blankets. Fletcher sets down the baskets and starts pulling out sandwiches, chips, and waters. Once everyone is seated Tessa walks over and plops herself on Ryder's lap munching on her sandwich.

Unfortunately the uncomfortable silences continues. Violet looks around to everyone and sighs. I know she's caught on to the fact something is going on, and she always likes to play peace keeper. Setting down her sandwich she clears her throat to gain our attention.

"I have something I want to tell you all. I was going to wait a while, but I just can't keep it from you all anymore." I hide my smile by taking a sip of my water. Alex tenses slightly from next to her knowing what she about to say.  "I'm pregnant!" She announces and everyone starts clapping and congratulating her and Alex.

"Congratulations you two." Aidan leans over giving them both a quick hug. The rest of us follow suit giving them a congratulatory hugs. I lean back letting Aidan wrap an arm around my waist and give my cheek a quick peck.

Tessa leans up and whispers something into Fletcher's ear. He whispers something back to her and her confused expression turns excited. "You're having a baby!?" She shrieks jumping up out of Ryder's lap. Violet chuckles at her reaction nodding she rests her hand on her stomach. "Is it going to be a girl?" Tessa starts to bounce around us with excitement.

"Maybe, we won't know for a few more months." Tessa continues to bounce around us in circles babbling on about how she'll play dress up with the new baby. Her sheer joy helps lift all of our moods a little bit. We all finish up our lunches and Tessa demands we play tag with her. All the guys agree without a second thought further warming my heart. Ever since she has become part of the family they have treated her like their own.

"Can I talk to you?" Emeric walks over to where I'm sitting on the blanket. Violet gives me a knowing look before getting up and joining the rest of them in the game. Emeric takes seat next to me, but still leaves a generous amount of space between us. "I don't know what happened yesterday, but I can see whatever it was is really affecting you. You don't have to tell me but just know that we have your back." He gives me a sincere smile that almost make me spill my guts. Once he sees I'm not going to say anything in return he starts to stand up. "Oh and don't forget if you need anything." He sticks his pinky up reminding me of the oath he made to me.

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