Chapter 36

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"Are you sure you're up for this?" Aidan helps me walk down the stairs to the second floor. Today is the meeting we have with the council to discuss what to do with Blake's pack, and Aidan's worried that I'll strain myself at some point if I attend.

"I promise I'm doing great." He shifts his arm around my waist to help hold some of my weight making me roll my eyes. To be honest my back is nothing compared to the injuries I sustained when I first arrived. The only difference is that I wasn't pregnant then.

"If at any point you don't feel good don't hesitate to let me know, and we will get you out of there." He tells me for the hundredth time since I said I wanted to attend the meeting.

I want Ivan and anyone else that is from the council to look us in the eye and tell us they were wrong. Lives were lost because of their neglect to do their job, and I want to ensure they compensate all the families effected.

"Really?" I exclaim as Aidan opens the conference room door with one arm while his other is still around my waist to help support some of my weight. Emeric is standing at the end of the table holding my regular chair out for me. I roll my eyes at how bad they have been babying me. I can't even sneeze without one of them rushing to my aid. It was kind of nice at first but now it's getting frustrating.

"What? I'm being polite." Emeric shrugs while smirking. He knows it's starting to get on my nerves so he's really been laying it on. Aiden doesn't say anything as he ushers me to the chair, and I pry his arm off as I get to the chair so I can sit down on my own.

"If you don't knock it off I'm going to smack that smirk off your face." I glare at Emeric over my shoulder as he pushes my chair in, but my playful threats don't phase him as he laughs hysterically while sitting down on my left.

No one has brought it up, but Emeric's just sort of stepped up into the Beta position since the attack. Fletcher and Ryder don't seem to mind either. Aidan and I discussed it last night and we are going to tell the council that Emeric will be taking over as official Beta. The council is usually the first to report on these matters because of paperwork and other unimportant reasons like that.

"Can we run through what is all going to be discussed today?" I look over at Aidan. We talked about it last night, but I fell asleep before we finished. Aidan nods without hesitation.

"First we are going to give them all the information we have on the attack, and I have gathered all of Alex's belongings to hand over to them so they can try and piece together what happened. Although I have kept a few things so we can still investigate ourselves since we know how thorough they are. Also under no circumstances can they know that Violet is alive." I am now very confused, and Emeric must see this because he speaks up.

"The council would hunt her down to question her, and with the circumstances in their eyes she would be an accomplice so they would treat her as such."

"Well she wasn't, we know that." I sit up a little straighter wincing when it strains the muscles in my back. Aidan pushes forward in his chair grabbing my hand to help me if I need it. I shake his hand off. "I'm fine." He scoots back giving me space. I immediately feel terrible for snapping at him, but I'm too engrossed in our conversation.

"It doesn't matter. We could show them evidence, but they would still conduct their own "investigation"." Emeric's use of quotations around the word investigation worry me.

"From here on out Violet is no longer with us." My body heats up with anger. Just because the council has some backwards bullshit protocol won't stop me from finding my friend. Aidan sees that I'm about to explode and quickly interjects. "That doesn't mean we'll stop looking for her." I take a deep breath calming down only slightly. I still don't like the fact it will only be us looking for her. Locating her is going to be a lot harder if we have to dodge the council while doing it.

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