Chapter 22

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"I hope this doesn't change the way you view me because my priority has been and will always be protecting Black Moon." I finish my speech holding my breath waiting for any reaction from the crowd. A sickening feeling starts to settle in my stomach when no one says anything. The crowd is silent and they faces are expressionless.

"Why don't we-" Aidan starts to intervene but is cut off my cheering and clapping. I almost stumble back stunned because I was expecting them to retaliate once they found out that I'm Blake and Raven Hale's daughter. It makes me proud of my pack knowing they are some of the most kind and understanding group of people. I know not everyone is happy about the news, but it puts me at ease to know the majority of them are fine with it.

"Now it's time to accept a new member into Black Moon." Aidan steps forward motioning for Ryder to bring Fletcher up. I didn't tell the pack that Fletcher had found his mate because that's his choice to tell them not mine, so they can tell them when they are ready. The pack just knows that Fletcher doesn't agree with our parents on multiple ideals, and wants to join a pack that is trying to better the world.

Ryder guides Fletcher through the crowd resting a hand on his back. A few people wave and give him a smile as he passes. Fletcher looks a little confused at the warm welcome but none the less he returns each wave and smile. By the time they are walking up the stairs to the stage I know the pack is ready to welcome him with open arms.

Fletcher walks over to where Aidan and I are standing while Ryder moves back to stand next to Emeric just like last time. I hug Fletcher relieved that the pack isn't demanding us to leave right now, and I'm extremely excited for him to officially be a part of our pack.

"Would you like to say a few words first?" Aidan asks him with a reassuring smile. I know that this process can be overwhelming, and talking to the crowd surprisingly helps a lot. Fletcher gives me a worried look but I give him a reassuring smile in return, so he steps up to the microphone clearing his throat.

"First off I would like to thank everyone here for accepting my sister when she first arrived." He turns his head to look at me, and I mouth him a thank you as a few awes break out throughout the crowd. "I would also like to thank you all for not jumping to conclusion about either of us when you learned about who our parents were. I can promise all of you that my main priority is to keep Della safe and happy which means we all share a common goal." He chuckles trying to ease some of the tension.

"I promise to always put this pack first." He gives the crowd a serious look, and keeps his speech brief. I turn to Aidan to motion for him to start the process.

"I need you to do this with me as well." Aidan mind links me with a smirk. I inwardly sigh frustrated that he didn't tell me that I would have to participate. I walk forward grasping Aidan's hand because I'm worried that I'll mess up somehow and holding his hand always brings me comfort.

Fletcher turns towards us as we approach, and sneaks one last look at Ryder. I don't see what Ryder says but it make Fletcher smile. Aidan moves a little closer to the microphone so the crowd can hear us clearly.

Just like last time Ryder steps forward handing Aidan the same knife he used last time. I mentally prepare myself for the pain that going to come from the small cut. Aidan first slices his own palm as he starts talking.

"Do you Fletcher Hale promise to be a loyal, caring, and devoted member to Black Moon Pack?" I take the knife from Aidan's hand and quickly glide it across the skin of my palm. I hold back the hiss of pain so I don't make Fletcher even more nervous than he already is.

I hold the knife out to Aidan assuming he will be the one to make the cut on Fletcher palm, but he shakes his head nodding  in Fletcher direction. I take a deep breath as I reach out my hand to take ahold of Fletcher's outstretched one. Ryder must have told him about the process for our pack because he seems to understand what we are doing.

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