Chapter 6

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After checking me over Violet finally allows me to sit back against the headboard. Along with a few scrapes and bruises I have a sprained ankle. I'm not surprised, getting tackled at a high rate of speed usually leads to some pretty intense injuries, so I consider myself lucky.

"It should be fully healed in a few hours if you don't walk on it." Violet puts the first aid bag back in the closet she took it from. "Emeric, could you go get us some water and snacks?" He gets up and heads out the door. After a few seconds Violet walks over and sits next to me on the bed. She gives me a curious look.

"I'm not telling you what pack I'm from." I state just to get that out there. I know it's what she wanted to ask since she asked Emeric to leave the room.

"That's not what I was going to ask." Oh. "Why are you terrified of Aidan?" Double oh. She wouldn't understand since she has a living and loving mate. I'm sure since the beginning of their relationship it's been a walk in the park. Hearts and flowers and all that shit. She's never felt the pain of losing that mate bond burning and searing because of death.

"My mate is dead." Maybe if I explain it to her she'll help me get out of here before it's too late. I don't have time to negotiate with an Alpha. My brothers 18th birthday is getting closer and I need to get him out of that pack. Violet's the only one that might help me.

"What are you talking about? Aidan's down stairs. He's completely fine." She looks beyond confused.

"No, Aidan's not my mate. Violet, my mate died eight years ago." She shook her head.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty three " she looks out the window in thought.

"That's impossible Della you would have been fifteen. You can't identify your mate until you're eighteen."

"I know but parents can identify their children's mates if they're status is higher up." She throws her head back with booming laughter. Once she gets a hold of her self and sees my frown she abruptly stops. Her eyes widen.

"Della that's an old wive's tale. Who told you that?" I furrow my eyebrows, confused. My whole pack believed that. It was taught in school, and passed down generation to generation.

"M-m-my pack." I stutter out in shock of the possibility that everything's been a lie. She lifts her hand to her mouth covering it. "My parents they saw him die on the battlefield." My eyes well up with unshed angry tears. How could I have been so naive to believe them after everything? She gasps.

"Della it's not." She pauses choosing her next words carefully. "It's not possible for anyone to identify someone else's mate. It was an old wive's tale some packs used decades ago to arrange marriages. I'm sorry Della, but Aidan's your real mate." She reaches for my hand grasping it in-between hers. I pull out of her grasp as soon as I see her eyes glaze over. She's mind linking someone, probably Aidan.

They lied to me for years. They told me he died, bled out while fighting along side rouges. I lived 8 years excepting the fact that I would never feel the love and acceptance of a mate. The fact I would never have children with the person I was destined to be with. Thoughts all put in my head by them, my parents.

The pain I felt that night was unbearable. The burning that started at my toes and spread up to my head. I thought for sure I would join my mate in whatever after life came next.

"Wait! I felt the separation pain when he died."

"Can you describe it for me?" Violet asks gently. It makes me realize how fragile and vulnerable I am in this moment. My whole life I've been told a huge lie leading me to become who I am today.

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