Rogue Revolution

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The second book of The Rogue Series is posted! It's called Rogue Revolution, and it's from Tessa point of view as she enters adulthood. Don't worry Aidan and Della will still be in it, but just not the main focus point. I'm going to leave the summary below, and if you want to read it it's on my profile! Lastly I just want to thank everyone again who read and showed support for Rogue to Luna it means so much and the Rogue Series definitely wouldn't be where it is today without all of you. Until next time.

~Stella Gordon

                                       * * *

Tessa Quinn had everything figured out, and as the daughter of Alphas Fletcher and Ryder Quinn she's always gotten anything she's ever needed or wanted. What happens when all her plans start crumbling around her, and the person she always dreamt was going to be her mate finds his mate and it's not her?

Tessa distracts herself with work while figuring out what she wants out of life. A mate is the farthest thing from her priorities, but fate doesn't wait until you're ready. Tessa finds her mate unexpectedly and has to decide whether she wants to leave her family and start fresh or deny what the Moon Goddess has in store for her.

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