Chapter 3

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The door slamming into the wall is the first thing I hear. I lay still hoping once whomever sees I'm still asleep will leave. Unfortunately, Ryder's obnoxiously loud-ass voice diminishes any hope I had of sleeping in.

"Time to get up, Rogue." A second set of rushing footsteps follows Ryder's into the room. I groan and stretch as best as I can without further injuring myself.

"You really couldn't have let her wake up on her own?" Violet's irritated attitude has me rolling over to face the scene in front of me. Ryder is standing right next to the open door with his arms crossed.

"She's healed enough to wait for Aidan in a cell." He's not wrong, my broken leg is fully healed, and my other previously torn-up leg just has large, tender scars littering it. Violet gives Ryder an exasperated look at his response.

"Jesus Ryder, it has only been a little more than 24 hours since she arrived. I mean she is just barely healed." He looks as if he is about to turn this conversation into a full-blown argument. I interrupt before I lose my train of thought.

"Who's Aidan?" Ryder snaps his head in my direction growling slightly.

"He's our Alpha and you will be meeting with him later tonight. I suggest you show some respect and not call him by his name." I roll my eyes. Alphas and their dignity! I'll have to see for myself if this Aidan has earned his title, or hides behind and misuses it as a way to hold power over others.

"Alright your highness, may I now have my prisoner clothing?" He sneers while handing me the pile of clothes in his hand. I attempt a curtsy as much as my injuries allow, before closing the bathroom door. Behind the wood of the door I can hear Violet giggle and Ryder stomping out of the room.

When I look in the mirror I almost audibly gasp. All exposed skin on my body looks the same bruised, swollen, or scratched up. The right side of my face is a lot worse than the left from when the rogue, whose name I never learned, smashed my face on the forest floor repeatedly.

I step into the shower careful not to injure myself further. The faster I heal the quicker I can get out of here. Staying in pack for the first time in years is unsettling. It's not something I'm used to, having to obey orders and follow a certain set of rules. I'm just hoping that the Alpha isn't a jackass and allows me to leave without any difficulties.

Rinsing the last of the shampoo out of my hair, I shut off the shower. I throw on the plain black t-shirt and blue sweats that are a bit too big, but they work. Violet and Alex are talking by the door when I step out of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry but my hands are tied on the matter." Alex tells Violet in a hushed tone. It's clear neither of them have noticed my presence. Violet look frustrated by whatever Alex has been telling her.

"She was attacked on our land, and hasn't fully healed and you want to throw her in a cell until Aidan graces us with his presence." She spits back stepping away from her mate.

"Like I said, my hands are tied. If it was up to me she would just stay here, but the pack has gotten word about her and if we don't follow procedure it will cause panic and chaos. Opening old wounds is not something that's going to help our pack." He steps forward wrapping his arms around Violet. She rests her head on his chest, sighing before speaking.

"How did they even hear about her?" She asks tiredly.

"You know Emeric's big mouth." I decide now is a good time to make myself known. I don't want them to know I heard their conversation, so I act as though I just walked out. I walk over to the bed to sit down,  gaining their attention.

"Thanks for the clean clothes." I smile at Violet knowing it was her idea. "So, what happens next?" I ask even though I already know the answer. I want to always be a step ahead of them just in case the situation goes south.

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