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10 years later

"Troy slow down please!" I shout after our son who's sprinting throughout the house trying to time himself. Last week Emeric challenged him to a race and won so now he's determined to beat him next time. I can't imagine where he got that from.

"Ten years old and he's already as competitive as you are." Aidan whispers in my ear wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. We just finished cooking and setting the table for dinner with Fletcher, Ryder and Tessa. It's been a few months since we last saw them and I'm really excited.

"Please, he's an exact replica of you." It's true too. It's scary how much Troy resembles Aidan from the dark brown hair to the deep emerald eyes. Although he has more of my personality, and yes competitive behavior is one of them, but I still won't admit that to Aidan .

"So last week when he flipped Emeric over his shoulder onto the ground almost identical to when you do it, that was all me?" I blush at how true his words are. The shock that crossed all of our faces last week when Emeric and Troy were wrestling and Troy grabbed his arm flipping him over onto his back was almost comical. Once the shock wore off I turned to Aidan fumming because it was then that I knew he was letting Troy participate during training sessions. Troy would beg and beg to go watch and I finally agreed as long as he only watched, but the way he effortlessly flipped Emeric wasn't beginners luck.

"That was on you. I told you he could only watch." Aidan smirks against the skin on my neck. Remembering the look of pride on his face as I lectured him about exposing our kids to the same environment Fletcher an I were brought up in. Aidan apologized and promised it wouldn't happen again, but the way Emeric was limping yesterday had me doubtful.

"It's only basic self defense, and it's not like he's getting into trouble." Aidan defends. I roll my eyes at his poor excuse. Luckily I know how to get him where it hurts.

"If that's the case why don't you bring Victoria along tomorrow." I smirk as he stiffens up behind me. His greatest weakness is our daughter. The mere thought of her in any kind of danger sends him into a frenzy. "She's only a year younger than Troy." I add. After a pretty difficult pregnancy with Troy I made Aidan swear we wouldn't have anymore kids, and a year later we had Victoria. I shrug moving to grab the blueberries out of the refrigerator for Tessa.

"That's different, she's still a child." I snort at his weak excuse. Victoria is the smartest girl I know, and self defense isn't all about strength and power. It also requires strategy and calculation which she would have no problem with. Now that I think about it maybe it wouldn't hurt them if we taught them a few things ourselves.

"Our daughter could outsmart any of our men and she's only nine." I turn around giving him my full attention. "Here are our options; you stop bringing Troy, you bring both of them, or we teach them both some very basic self defense so they aren't exposed to some seriously dangerous moves." I raise my eyebrow waiting for him to pick. It helps that Victoria chooses this moment to walk into the kitchen wearing the dress Aidan got for her last week. I can see him totally crack as his eyes soften when they land on our daughter.

"Fine I'll stop bringing him and we can teach them some stuff on our own." I smile victoriously pressing up onto my toes giving him a quick peck before grabbing the bowl of blueberries and bringing them to the table.

"Dad can you help with my hair?" Victoria has been really obsessed with braiding her hair lately, but struggles to do more intricate ones on her own so she has us do them. Well at first I did them but Aidan felt guilty and wanted to learn, so at night in bed I would let him practice on my hair so he could get the hang of it. He caught on alarming fast, and even though I won't admit it out loud he's probably better at doing them at this point than me.

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