Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Two

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Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Two

Status For This Chapter:

So it's early, enjoy!!!

Turning my head, I looked at the clock. It was almost 10:30, which was ten minutes from now. I yawned, putting my hand over my mouth and putting my head on the cold desk, music running through my ears.

I am still at Vince's house, tired as heck. And to put on top of that, Vince decided to throw a huge party when he found out that his parents weren't coming home until next week - because of a business trip.

I lifted up my head when Vince's bedroom door opened, revealing Vince and a blond under his arm.

"Um, Angel?" Vince's slurred voice echoed throughout the room. I made an 'O' shape with my mouth as I knew his next sentence, grabbing my black backpack and the project papers.

Without muttering a 'bye', I left the room, looking behind me as Vince's bedroom door closed. I yawned once again, walking down the stairs. I cringed as I the music became much louder, the sound almost bleeding my ears.

Looking back one last time, I opened the front door to the house and left, letting the door slam behind me. I pulled out my phone, unlocking it and opening up the GPS app. I looked around the empty streets, seeing if I saw anything familiar to my brown eyes.

I looked back down at my phone, seeing that my house was just about ten minutes from Vince's. I shrugged, walking off into the direction of my worn out, tiny house.

Three turns and flinches later, I appeared at my brown and white front door of my house. I opened the small pocket of my back pack, getting out my house key and opening the front door. I breathed in the smell of my home, which smelled like cigars and alcohol.

I instantly remembered my father was probably home, waiting for me. I breathed in deeply, walking further into the house.

"Where have you been?" My fathers voice echoed throughout the quiet house, only hearing the small chirps of the green grasshoppers in the short, dark green grass.

"Um, at a f-friends for a-a project," I gulped, visibly and clearly, showing that I was not even close to braveness.

"You were supposed to be home two hours ago," Though his voice was calm, you could see the anger in his eyes.

"B-but I t-thought you would ex-excuse me," I stammered, widening my eyes as my back his the dirty carpet.

"Well, you thought wrong!" My father raised his voice, glaring at me and raising his right hand. "Your just a piece of crap! Get out!" My father's hand came in contact with my already bruised cheek, making me hiss and cry in pain.

I got up, slipping numerous times because of how hurriedly I was trying to get out of the house. It must have been the adrenalin because I didn't even know I was crying until I felt a multiple tears flow down my cheeks.

"Get out and never come back!" My father's voice boomed, making me even cry harder.

Why did my mother have to leave us? This wouldn't have happened if she just accepted the fact that relationships had a few up and downs, if not more. But she just had to be her stupid little self and leave because she couldn't stand the money problems or the shouting.

I stopped running down the street, wiping a few tears. I looked up and down, only seeing street lights and abandoned cars. I crossed the street, flinching when I heard steps behind me. I ignored them, thinking it was just my imagination. But the echoing foot steps kept on continuing behind me, and realizing that it wasn't my imagination, I started to run and as did the footsteps.

I stumbled a little over a bump in the road, falling towards the ground. The footsteps stopped. I looked around, my eyes landing on a shadowy figure not even ten feet away.

"P-please," I stuttered, sitting up. The figure came closer, kneeling down to my hight.

"Angel?" I looked up when I heard Vince's nickname for me. A little smile appeared on my lips when I saw that it was actually him.

"V-Vince?" I instantly wrapped my arms around me, smiling like an idiot.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I unwrapped myself from Vince, my smile turning into a frown.

"N-Nothing, nothing at all," I answered, standing up and fixing my posture. He stood up with me, glancing at me through his gray eyes.

When realization hit me, I froze in my place. I mentally smacked myself for hugging and smiling at Vince. We didn't even now each other that well, and here I was; hugging and smiling at him.

"There has to be something wrong, Angel," Vince's voice was almost smooth, but still had his raspy voice.

"It's just-" I stopped mid-sentence when I widened my eyes in the bright white light of a car. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me out of the way.

"Why did you just stand there?!" Vince's voice shouted, making me flinch and step back. There was short-term silence for a while before I spoke up.

"My father kicked me out," I blurted, getting mad at myself for sharing personal things. The next thing I was probably going to blurt out was that my father abuses me.

"What? Why?" Vince bombarded me with questions, not even letting me talk.


"Home sweet home, Angel," Vince spoke softly in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Don't do that," I put up a warning finger, stepping over the plastic cups and paper plates.

"What? It's going to be your home for as long as you live," Vince held up his hand in mock surrender.

"Not really," I mumbled lightly, opening his bedroom door. Vince's scent wrapped around me, making me already feel comfortable.

A lot has happened the past two hours. I told Vince my story at a twenty-four hour café, making him ball up his fists until his knuckles were as white as snow. Then we walked back to his house, continuously joking around and laughing. There was even a moment in between our walk, but I interrupted it, not wanting that moment to go any farther. And now here we were, at his house after Vince told me that I could stay here. I didn't really expect that from a typical bad boy, being sweet and all. But I liked it, almost love.

"Sleep tight princess," Vince whispered once we were settled into his king sized bed. I flinched, which seemed like the one hundredth time today, when Vince wrapped a strong arm around me.

I cuddled up more against him, taking a deep breath in and letting it go slowly. I thought about how I didn't want anything to do with Vince King, but now I'm sleeping against him in his bed until I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about Vince.

Which basically only lead me to one question; was I falling for the bad boy?

{So, I know this is really short. Chapters aren't going to be like this, as I said in Chapter One if you read that tiny Authors Note. Anyways, the charters are going to be like that when I don't have anytime or I just didn't feel like updating. That's only when. And I also know that this chapter is horrible, no need to tell me. I'm not a perfect writer, and never will be. And none of you guys are, nobody's perfect. Anyways, All in All, I HOPE you liked/loved this short/medium chapter!!}

Next Update : Monday (September Twenty-First) at around 5:30 (if not earlier)

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