Chapter 2

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|| Chapter 2 ||

"Pick up the pace Kendall!" Coach Jamieson yells from the sidelines as we do suicide sprints in the late afternoon sun.

She grumbles from next to me as we sprint from one cone to the next, "," she pants, accusing Alyssa.

Alyssa looks like she's going to throw up any second, her face dripping with sweat, "My fault?" she asks in disbelief.

"You're the one that showed up to our last practice hungover, idiot," I inform her, lifting my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face as we prepare ourselves for another round of sprints.

Alyssa grabs a water bottle from her bag, taking a few gulps and pouring some on her face. "Exactly! I'm the one that's hungover, I'm pretty sure this is worse for me than any of you," she looks at the rest of the girls.

"You're the one that got sloshed, and we're getting punished for it," Mara points out, stretching her legs. A few girls shout their agreement at Alyssa.

"Girls, can we just forgive and forget?" Alyssa asks sweetly. A chorus of 'No's' follow and someone throws their water bottle at Alyssa.

I laugh loudly, rolling back on the grass. "Okay, as much as I love torturing Lys, let's get back to practice," I say, clapping my hands together, getting us all back on the field in front of Coach.

"Aye, aye, Captain," Jorja salutes me as we all shuffle back onto the field.

After thirty more minutes of drills we are finally released from Coach Jamieson's clutches. Prepped and ready for our last game before summer officially starts.

"Anyone feel like carrying me to my car?" Alyssa asks, sprawled out on the grass.

I throw my stinky sock at her face and she recoils disgusted, getting to her feet to move far away from me. "Oh, would you look at that? You can walk," I exclaim in fake astonishment.

She groans, kicking my sock back to me, "You need a ride?"

I nod my head, slipping on my slides and getting up off the grass. "Drew has training tonight so he couldn't drive me," I tell her, taking off my sweat-soaked shirt, leaving me in my sports bra.

Alyssa lifts up her own shirt, looking at her stomach and glancing back at mine, "Why can't I have abs?" she pouts, pulling her shirt back down. I chuckle rolling my eyes as we walk to her car.

"Good work today girls!" Coach calls to all of us as we make our way to the parking lot. "And Alyssa, don't come to practice next time if you're sick!" she looks at Alyssa knowingly with a disapproving frown on her face.

Someone fake coughs a loud, 'hungover', making us burst into laughter as we walk across the field.

Alyssa salutes Coach, "I'll try my best!"

"No you won't," Kendall comments, walking next to us.

"Well excuse me Miss High and Mighty, some of us have poor self-control. We don't judge, we accept," she states, sneering playfully at Kendall.

"I am not 'high and mighty', I'm just not a lightweight," Kendall smirks, high-fiving me.

"You take that back," Alyssa shouts, in mock shock.

"Make me," Kendall laughs, walking faster towards the parking lot.

"If I weren't tired as fuck you would be catching these hands, bitch!" Alyssa yells, throwing a fist in the air.

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