Chapter 5

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|| Chapter 5 ||

"Most likely to cry watching a sad movie?" Fiona, a senior girl asks, pointing between Drew and I.

I stifle my laughter and jerk my thumb in Drew's direction, along with Alyssa and Benji, vouching with me. Drew puts his hand over his heart in mock-hurt before shrugging with a smile, "That's probably true." He slings an arm around my shoulder, his minty breath is now mixed with alcohol. He pats me on my head, "Tess loves to laugh during scary movies while I barely have the strength to get through the trailers."

I snort. "You're oversharing again, Drew."

He throws his arms wide with a dazed smile on his face. "The people want to know, Tess."

I grab his arm pulling him back down onto the couch we're sitting on. "No, they don't." Everyone sitting around us laughs at Drew's drunk happiness.

William Knox's house was insanely packed to the point where I walked through the front door and promptly turned on my heel trying to get out as fast as I could. Drunk teenagers are impossible and stupid. And reckless. His multi-story home was positioned in the middle of a regular suburban neighborhood. Perfect for the neighbors to call the police on us. Furniture had been pushed out of the way to make more standing/dancing room for everyone. All the family pictures have been put away and William literally put police tap all around the entrance to the Dining Room where his mother had kept the fine china, nobody could get through at all with the amount of layers he had taped from wall to wall.

Kendall was busy doing body shots off of Liam, ah true love, and Alyssa was laying on the other couch with her feet propped up over everyone else's laps, whether she knew them or not.

Fiona pouts her ruby red lips in Drew's direction, "Aw Drew, girls love a guy that doesn't hide his emotions, it really helps people...connect." She leans over and rubs his arm gently.

I cock my head to the side. "What movie did you get that line from?" She scowls in my direction. I look away with a smirk.

"Used to keep it cool
Used to be a fool
All about the bounce in my step."

Alyssa's head perks up and she looks at me, wriggling her eyebrows with a grin. I shake my head lightly but she doesn't listen. She gets up off the couch, leaning over the coffee table and grabbing my arm, pulling me off the couch. We move towards the open living room space and Kendall squeals almost jumping on top of us, singing loudly.

We sing and dance along to the song, the crowd of drunk teenagers screaming and jumping long, spilling beer all over the floor. Poor William. Cheers fill the room as Mateo and Jesse stand on the makeshift DJ stage, beer bottles in their hands and their arms around each others shoulders, singing along with the crowd.

I laugh as Jesse jumps into the crowd and a bunch of people actually lift him up in the air, still jumping around. Drew comes up behind us, pumping his fist in the air. Liam grabs Kendall by the waist and twirls her to face him immediately diving in for a kiss.

"Oh come on, this is girl time!" Alyssa groans, shoving the disgusting couple out of the dancing crowd. They don't even react to Alyssa and just go with the flow of the crowd. "Get your tongue out of her throat, Liam!" She yells again, smacking him on the back.

Kendall pulls away with a flushed face, grinning at us. Alyssa glares, reaching into her back pocket and pulls out a Kleenex, handing it over to Kendall, "Fix your lipstick, hun." Kendall sheepishly takes the tissue and delicately wipes around her mouth and then leans into Liam's arms, wiping her lipstick off his face.

"Guys that song is so great," Drew sighs, hugging Alyssa to his side. "It's just so good, you know?" He looks over at me, waiting for me to reply.

I nod my head with a grin, "Really great." He nods his head with that dazed smile on his face and raises his hand up for a high five.

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