Chapter 28

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|| Chapter 28 ||

"BECAUSE I DON'T LOVE YOU," I say loudly, catching him off guard. His lips thin as he stares at me with clouded eyes. "Drew, I'm sorry I can't do this," my voice breaks but before he can say anything I turn away from him, climb out of the car and run up the driveway to my front door.

As soon as I'm inside I slam the door behind me and lean against it, taking in deep breaths.

"Whoa! Door slamming is not cool in my house!" My mothers voice echoes from the living room where I can hear the television blaring.

I open my mouth to apologise but a shaky gasp comes out instead. The feeling of my heart beating faster in my chest makes me crouch sliding against the door until I'm sitting with my knees curled to my chest.

"Hello? Which demon child slammed my door?" My mothers voice asks loudly, no doubt grabbing attention from other people in the house but I can't move except to lean my head against the door. The pressure behind my eyes making me grit my teeth, trying so hard to stop it from escalating.

I try to take another breath but a small noise leaves my mouth instead, my shoulders tensing as the first sob leaves my mouth. And the first tear falls.

The television shuts off, "Soph? Is that you?" My mothers quiet voice starts coming closer as she leaves the living room. She turns on one of the lowlights by the foyer slightly illuminating my curled frame. I push my head off from the door and look my mother straight in the eyes. I would have laughed at the astonished facial expression she gave me if we were under different circumstances. "Tess? What's going on?"

She approaches me slowly, almost as if I'm an injured animal that she doesn't know what to do with, in which case it kind of makes sense since this is probably the first time she's seen me cry in years.

"Hey mom, what were you yelling earlie-?" Sebastian's question is cut off when his eyes narrow in on my face, completely wiping off any emotions. He's stands still halfway down the staircase, looking between myself and my mother.

My chest heaves silently as they both watch the tears roll down my face. My mother wrings her hands together, her own anxiety making an appearance as another uncontrollable sob leaves my mouth. I pull my legs tighter into myself, hoping it'll stop the gasping and bury my face in my arms.

My mother's hands are gentle when she rests them against my forearms, "Honey, can you tell me what happened?"

My face is sticky from the tears but I lift my head and look her in the eyes as I whisper, "I'm a horrible person."

Her face breaks a little at my words but she just brushes my hair out of my face. "Tess, no you're not."

I don't exactly remember what happens next but all I know is one minute I'm curled against the front door and the next I'm in Sebastian's arms and he's carrying me to the couch, my mother following closely. He puts me down gently, dropping a kiss on my head and immediately leaves the room, as if he knows I won't say a word around him.

My mother sits on the couch, lifting my head up and scooting under me, so that my head is resting on her legs.

She runs a hand through my hair, trying to soothe me. I hiccup a sob and turn my head into her legs as more tears slip from my eyes.

"Honey... talk to me."

"He loves me," I whisper, my voice breaking. I turn my head into her legs, sobbing harder. "And I told him I didn't."

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