Chapter 18

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For some reason the Wattpad App on my phone isn't loading any of my stories so the laptop it is!

Okay, just a small list of everyone that is in the paintball game:

Girls:                                                        Boys:
Charlotte                                                 Drew
Tessa                                                       Sebastian
Olivia                                                       Jesse
Alyssa                                                      Isaac
Kendall                                                    Harry
Sophie                                                     Cole
Courtney                                                 Benji
Quinn                                                      Mateo 

Fuck that's a lot of wish me luck!

|| Chapter 18 ||

"No, guys come on. I said I didn't want to do this, please don't make me!" Alyssa shouts from the parking lot as Kendall and I drag her into the paintball arena lobby.

"Alyssa stop being a baby, don't show them that you're weak," Courtney scolds her from behind us.

Olivia shuffles faster to walk next to us, "Unless that's your plan then go right ahead."

Alyssa pouts, "Last time Drew shot me in the stomach, do you know how long I had that bruise for?" she asks rhetorically.

Drew ruffles his hair nervously, giving her a sheepish grin, "I did warn you not to run."

We walk into the lobby and head to the check in desk to sign-in. I had already booked the arena for us late last night so we were all set.

"Dude, what are you wearing?" Isaac asks, looking me up and down with a confused look on his face. He looks back at the closest guy to him, which happens to be Cole, "Were we supposed to dress like this?" He asks gesturing to my combat boots, black and gray camouflage pants, black long sleeve shirt with a black bandana tied around my neck so I can lift it over my nose and mouth when the game starts. I've pulled as many strands of my shoulder length-hair as I can into a ponytail to keep the hair out of my face. 

Cole looks over at me and grins, "Nah, this is just Tessa being dramatic." He moves forward to pat my head. I grab his arm before he can touch my hair and hold his hand in what looks like a sweet gesture but the wide eyes he's giving me tells a different story as I add the slightest bit of pressure.

"You wouldn't want to be shot in the stomach again Cole, now would you?" I ask innocently, reminding him of the time I caught him and Sophie making out near the boys' team flag.

Cole grins sheepishly, not fazed by me squeezing his fingers, "Totally worth it."

The unexpected laugh that leaves my lips, surprises us both as I let go of him, "Yeah, and how is that going?"

His dazed smile is answer enough for me but I stick around for the verbal response anyway, "Good... really good. It's nice to be obsessed with someone but not have to hang on them every few seconds to solidify that, ya know?"

"No, I don't," I answer honestly with a shrug and move away from them towards the receptionist desk, making Isaac crack a laugh.

"Hi, can I have your name, please?" The receptionist asks, smiling brightly at me. I give her my name and she types something into the computer. "Okay, we just need the card you used to book it with." She looks up at me with another business smile.

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