Chapter 7

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|| Chapter 7 ||

Sunday night rolls around after a boring, quiet day. My siblings are downstairs laughing and chatting outside on the patio with my parents but I don't have the time to sit and chat because Isaac is supposed to be picking me up in ten minutes.

I slip on my black combat boots with a pair of black leggings and my leather jacket. I throw my head forward and bunch my hair together, tying it up in a messy bun. My phone pings loudly, signaling that it's time to go.

My feet stomp down the stairs and I grab my small bag off the kitchen counter.

"And where are you off to?" Sebastian smirks, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite out of it.

"Nowhere," I shrug, taking two Gatorades out of fridge and shoving them into my bag.

"You do know that you have school tomorrow, right? Summer starts next week, and it's almost ten," Sebastian informs me, looking at his watch.

"Yeah I know, thanks for the reminder but I gotta head out," I salute him and rush out of the house, throwing a shout of 'goodbye' over my shoulder.

Isaac is sitting in a royal blue Lexus and I whistle in awe. "Damn nice car," I murmur as he leans over the seats and pushes the passenger door opens.

"It's my uncles," he greets as I shut the door.

I raise an eyebrow in confusion, "I thought we were wrapping his car?"

"This isn't his only car," he smirks, speeding out of the driveway making a screeching noise that I'm sure my family can hear from the back patio. I'll be getting a lecture for that, especially if he left a mark on the driveway.

The car ride is filled with an awkward silence and I struggle to come up with anything interesting to say.

"Is it true that you slashed someone's tires?" he breaks the silence, glancing over at me for a spilt second before turning his attention back to the road ahead.

I can't help but smile to myself, "Yup, freshman year, it was glorious." My proudest moment to be honest.

He laughs loudly, stopping at a red light and turning his face to me, "And what was your motivation?"

"Some senior bitch at school sent out a picture of my oldest sister and no one did anything about it so I decided that she needed to be taught a lesson," I lean back in the seat, feeling myself relax.

"Was it a clean cut?" The light turns green and he turns left.

"God no," I snort, remembering how damn hard it was to actually slash the tire, "I couldn't find a knife and had to resort to a hacksaw from shop class."

"A hacksaw? Damn girl, I give props," he rubs his chin, laughing. We drive for a few minutes, passed a couple chain fast food places. "Hungry?"

I shake my head, "I already ate."

"So?" He pulls into a McDonalds drive-thru. "What do you want?"

"I said that I already ate dinner, do you even listen?"

"I'm going to get you something anyway. Every time I've been with a girl and she says that she's not hungry, eighty percent of the time she eats all my food. So, what do you want?" He asks me, exasperated.

"Nuggets," I mutter, looking out of the window.

"I didn't hear a please," he teases, tilting his head.

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