Chapter 24

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For the next 48hrs I will reply to every single comment that you post! I seriously love doing this, it's a lot of fun engaging with you guys!

|| Chapter 24 ||

Olivia skips the stairs two at a time and steps onto the patio, a wide smile on her face. "Izzy! What's up? You look old." She lets out a squeal and ducks as a cane flies across the patio. My mother stands with her arms crossed, watching people shriek and move out of the way.

The cane clears over the banister and hits the grass. I grin and start walking across the yard, stooping to pick up the cane. "And how are you supposed to hit me now?" I can hear the smirk in Olivia's voice.

"Come here and we'll find out," the rough Spanish voice of my favorite evil mastermind grunts.

Our guests are all standing around awkwardly, uncomfortable expressions on their faces. "Izzy, so great that you could make it," My mother walks over to Izzy and gently puts her arms around her.

"Clary, your dress has flowers on them, I don't like it," Izzy comments, putting one arm on my mom's back and patting it once.

Mom leans back a sweet smile on her face, "Brave thing to say coming from someone wearing an old shower curtain."

Izzy cracks a smile and grabs my mothers chin gently bringing her face closer, "I've missed you."

"Likewise Izzy."

They had always been close, Valentina, Izzy's daughter/Olivia's mother had been best friends with my mother since they were in Junior High. After Valentina passed away when Olivia was only six, my mom promised to always take care of Olivia since my parents are her godparents.

I hold the cane to my chest and walk over to Izzy. "Hi Izzy."

Izzy scrunches an eyebrow and looks over my mothers shoulder and at me. Her blank face cracks a small smile which makes me grin in return. "Tess, why haven't you come to visit me?"

I shrug a shoulder casually, "Oh you know, destroying peoples lives, one day at a time."

"Good to see people doing the Lords work," Izzy says, taking the cane from my hands.

My mother pats my arm gently and says a quiet 'oh my god' as she walks away. Olivia puts an arm around Izzy and guides her across the patio. Izzy gestures for me to follow them

Izzy nudges Olivia's arm and she leans down to her Grandmothers level, "Okay, give me the rundown."

"Mr Hayes' parents are here, including Ingrid," Olivia whispers. Izzy lets out a scoff. "Ingrid and Jenna have already gone through the pre-game but we're waiting for the real show to start, we think it's gonna be a good one, Sebastian is pumping her with booze." Izzy nods her head in agreement. "Courtney's parents were a no show-again, I think they're just embarrassed that their son got kicked out of his summer camp for the third year in a row," Izzy barks out a laugh. "And Tessa shoved Harry down the slip 'n slide for being a dick, naturally."

I shrug with a proud smile on my face. Izzy gives me a sharp nod, impressed. "The Hayes grandparents are here?" Olivia and I nod. Izzy eases herself into a chair next to my mom. My mom holds her hand gently and Izzy smiles back at her. "Olivia, get me the tequila, I have racists to take down but I don't want to do it sober."

Mom pats Izzy's hand with her free one, "Remember how you used to be when Valentina started dating Johnathan, Iz?"

I perch on the edge of my mothers seat, wrapping an arm around her so that I can hear the story. Olivia leans her arms on the back of Izzy's chair, an excited smile on her face at the mention of her parents story.

Summer DelinquentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang