Chapter 16

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|| Chapter 16 ||

"So who is the guy you're against?" Jesse asks Drew as we walk towards the gym. The owner of the gym had closed it early today because they're hosting a few trial matches before Drew heads off to nationals for a week next month.

Drew hoists his backpack over his shoulder. He's wearing black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, looking very relaxed. "Dude calls himself 'Iron Fist'."

I can't help but snort in laughter, "What a name." Alyssa chuckles next to me.

"When do you go on?" Mateo asks, walking in front but facing us.

Drew shrugs, "Like second to last, I think."

"How are you so chill right now?" Isaac asks, slipping his hands into his pockets. A few people from school walk by us and shout out Drew's name with a cheer. He just gives them a head nod and starts digging through his backpack.

"He's done this a couple times," Kendall pipes up from under Liam's arm.

"A couple? Dude's a freaking champion!" Liam exclaims, playfully punching Drew's arm. Drew ignores him and pulls out his headphones, sticking them on his head and starts fiddling with his phone, putting on his pre-game music.

We walk through the automatic sliding doors where the reception desk is located. A girl that I have never seen before sits behind it as she reads a book. As we all get closer she looks up at us with a bright smile on her face. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"We're here to check in, Andrew Benson?" I ask, watching her put the book down and pull out a sheet of paper.

"Yup, right on through to Room 3, good luck!" She smiles again and I nod my head politely grabbing Drew's arm and pulling him in the direction of his waiting room as I tell the others to take their seats. Drew still has his headphones on so we don't talk, he just lets me lead him.

There's a crowd of people near the back rooms and I have to literally shove people aside just to reach the room. I open the door and we walk into the small space that looks like it's supposed to be an office with the desk pushed into a corner and a couch against the wall. I pull aside one of his headphones, "Okay, you have ten minutes to get changed if you want to catch the first fights."

"I'm dressed, my pants are on under the jeans," he mumbles, slipping his headphones down so that they're resting around his neck.

"Did you bring your robe thing?" I ask, taking a seat in the swivel chair.


"Out of my way!" A loud voice shouts from outside, halting all other conversations in the hallway.

Drew looks over at me and I find myself furrowing my eyebrows trying to determine whether or not I know the voice.

"Touch my ass again and I will rip your throat out, now step aside," the voice is now right outside my room and I find myself grinning.

The door shoves open and we're greeted by four smiling faces.

"Special delivery all the way from Paris!" Courtney Easton and Quinn Darby, Charlotte's other best friends, grin at me from the doorway. Charlotte and Olivia are standing behind them. "Voila," Courtney pulls out a piece of fabric from behind her back and my eyes are immediately drawn to the silky black texture and the name 'Killer' written across the back.

Drew's eyes are wide as he walks closer to them. "Courtney, you made this?"

She beams proudly, "Yes I did, my professor in Paris nearly killed me for using his fine silk but it was totally worth it!" Drew leans down and hugs her tight. "I literally got off my plane an hour ago so if I crash before your flight, I apologize in advance."

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