Chapter 10

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Hey Everyone!

Thank you for sticking with me through it all! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

|| Chapter 10 ||

"And just how long are you going to be out for? Where are you going and who with? You literally finished school for the year like, three hours ago." Sebastian stared me down as I sat at the kitchen island tying my sneakers. "You do know that it's Drew's graduation tomorrow, right?" he asks sarcastically.

I breathe deeply letting all the air out of my nose in frustration, "Would you stop? This whole protective older brother thing has really run its course, don't you think?"

He folded his arms in front of him and rested them on the island across from me all without breaking his gaze. "You want to know what I think?"

I give him a flat stare, "Not really."

He carries on as if he hadn't heard my comment, "I'll tell you what I think!"

I slump against the back of the barstool, "Please don't."

He slammed his fist on the granite island trying to incite fear and authority but I just raised an eyebrow in boredom. "I think, that you-little sister are doing something that is either going to get you arrested or grounded for life."

My phone beeps before I can reply and I pull it out of my shorts pocket, seeing a text from Drew telling me that he's here.

I look up at Sebastian and sigh again, "You are so dramatic it's ridiculous... but I'm leaning more towards the latter option, I'm not in the right state of mind to get arrested yet, give it a few years," I smirk, smacking the cool granite and jumping off the stool. "Later, bro," I don't bother to look over my shoulder at him as I throw up a peace sign.

"Make good choices!" Sebastian yells behind me. I chuckle, walking through the living room towards the front door.

Maddie and Sophie are sitting on the couch, eating popcorn as they watch a Marvel movie on the television. I wave to them and they give me half-hearted goodbyes in return, keeping their attention on the television. Charlotte is pacing the foyer with her phone pressed against her ear. I slow down a little not wanting to disrupt her.

"Okay but Nate, I told you that I can't do everything, I know that it's hard but I need you to help me with this stuff," Charlotte runs a hand through her messy hair as she argues with Nathan over the phone.

I step lightly walking further into the foyer until she can see me. Even though she's stressed and frustrated with whatever Nathan is telling her, she stills smiles at me as I point to the front door indicating that I'm leaving. She blows me a kiss and I smile, waving as I open the front door and close it behind me quietly.

Since summer is pretty much here already the sky is clear and the air is humid. Drew is sitting in the driveway with the top down on his convertible. His aviators are in his hands, one of the bridges in balanced on his lip as he types on his phone.

I shuffle closer and jump over the door, landing on the passenger seat with perfect precision. I drop my compact backpack on the floor on the car and look over at an unimpressed Drew. "Was that necessary?"

I grin at him with a cheeky smile, "Of course it was!"

He rolls his eyes placing his phone in the cupholder, "Sure, where are we going?" I hand him my phone to use the GPS where I had typed out the specific address for the location we're going. "This is in the next town over?" he asks, trying to decipher if he knows the area.

"Yup, better get a move on, we have an appointment." He grumbles about hating surprises but doesn't argue as we pull out of the driveway and start heading out of town.

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