Chapter 25

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I will reply to every comment posted within the next 48 hrs, I love doing this because its a fun way to engage with you guys and I love it so much, you guys are hilarious and awesome!!

|| Chapter 25 ||

The party started winding down around 11pm. Most of our guests had left long before them but a few stragglers decided to stay as long as they could. Mom's best method to get people to leave was to start cleaning up, getting them to claim exhaustion so that they can leave without helping.

"Text me a picture when it's done," Isaac says, kissing my cheek lightly, a cheeky smile on his face as he walks to his car where Mateo is waiting before I can punch him.

I wave goodbye until they're out of the driveway and walk back into the house. Mom and dad are in the kitchen, having a bottle of wine and my siblings are in the living room. Harry and Natalie are squished in the armchair together, Natalie is sitting on his lap, a tired smile on her face from the day. Charlotte and Nathan are sitting on the floor with Mia and Maddie, under a mountain of blankets. Sophie and Cole are sitting outside in one of the giant round chairs in the yard, stargazing.

Olivia and Sebastian are sitting on the couch, Addison on the other side of Olivia, a nervous smile on her face as Sebastian searches through the streaming options, looking for High School Musical. Sebastian took matters into his own hands after Addison was still on the fence about the movies, which surprisingly, she has seen and is now forced to act surprised throughout the whole thing to keep the act up.

I sit down next to Drew on the edge of the couch and lean my head back on the cushion. "So uh...what was that earlier?"

I arch an eyebrow, "What was what?"

He gestures a hand outward, "Your bedroom. Isaac. Shirtless, both of you I might add."

I breathe deeply through my nose and turn to face him, "He got PopTart on his shirt and slimed it on me, so we changed."

"In the same room?"

Oh my god.

"Drew, I am not a child, it was nothing," I tell him quietly.

He throws his hands in the air, "You were both shirtless in your room, that doesn't sound like nothing to me."

"Who was shirtless?" Harry's voice echoes from the armchair where he is staring at Drew and I. Sebastian pauses the movie and faces us from the other end of the couch.

"I don't need to explain myself to any of you," I say, my words holding a hard edge to them as I look directly at Drew as I speak.

Drew bites his lower lip, his eyes wide as he slowly starts to understand what he's just unleashed. I stare at him with a blank face, angry beyond belief. Drew just swallows in response.

"Come on Drew tell us," Harry eggs him on gently coaxing it out of him.

Sebastian nods his head, "Yeah, what's his name? We just wanna talk, nothing else," he shrugs casually as if he isn't planning a murder as he speaks.

"He-uh, Tess..." Drew looks like he's starting to sweat as he visibly gulps. Sebastian raises an eyebrow expectantly. "And Isaac."

"Isaac?" Olivia whirls her attention to me, her mouth agape.

I stare straight at the paused television, ignoring the stares from the whole room. "I didn't know you had a thing for Isaac." Charlotte's voice is the first to break the tension.

"I don't."

Sebastian leans forward, "Then why were you both shirtless, in your room?"

Silence is the only response they get from me as I look over my shoulder to look at Drew, "You are the worst best friend ever." He grimaces and gives me an apologetic look.

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