Difference of Scenery

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As I grabbed my Sheets I folded them. As I looked at Cameron he was waiting at the door. "You and I will have to put our heads together and start working because I want to live with you." I smiled of happiness at the thought of that. Having his arms around me calling me honey in a nice house and us have cars and we would go to work everyday I would make him meals and clean the house for him so he would come home to something nice and when something is cleaned it feels good. It feels brand new every time you walk into it. Every time you go near it, it has that certain feeling about it. I thought of the color white on the walls so it would look fresh too! It would look like a lot more room when its the same size. It wouldn't look as clattered. Than I started thinking about metallic silverware. Would it be magnetic? It certainly couldn't hurt to be magnetic could it? Pro it's fun to play with, con People may think it's rude to play with it. It will somehow even out on me no matter how in depth I go. Would we have animals? Yes we would we would have two dogs. I'm allergic to cats. But he doesn't know that. I don't need him to know any more of my weaknesses than he already knows about. I understand people may think I am crazy to think of all of these things but I will be prepared in order to make my boyfriend happy I will try my best not to disappoint him as I have with everyone else. "Chloe? Earth to Chloe?" I sprang my head to his direction. "Sorry I just started to think about how everything is different now. It's almost to insane and way to fast. I am just connecting the dots in my head and trying not to go insane myself." He laughed as his shoulders bounced he looked directly at me and spoke. "I know but you gotta keep fighting you can't get off your high horse now." I nodded my head as I grabbed my luggage he took my hand off. "In order to stay on your horse you can not start lifting yet. You aren't ready So I will have to help with that." As we walked down we got to a Taxi. He hauled up all of my luggage and he told the driver to go to the place. He looked at me and spoke. "We will stay at my friends house for a little bit just until we can get a house and live there unless you want to live with my friend some more and of course I will check in every 2-3 months so you get to know him and add your thoughts into it. I will not decide anything until we get to the point where you chose. I am good with either way." I tightened my grip on his hand I looked into his eyes. The eyes that melt all of the problems in my life away. A rise of joy started to overflow me. Feeling more free than I have ever had I spoke to him with the most sincerest words. "I love you." As we got out of the cab I took the scenery in off his friends house. It was a brick house the outside was red brick. The grass seemed dead their was barely any it was all dirt. We get up the the pathway the path is half split cement blocks then the stairs are have broken there is a sign that says beware of steps. As we walk up to the stairs he puts my luggage down and puts his arms around me to make sure I don't fall through any of them. As we get to the door. I wait for Cameron to bring up the luggage as I press the doorbell I put my hand on Camerons and I squeeze to tell him we will be okay we just got to get use to it. Then the door opens.

"Hello. You must be the famous drop dead one and only Chloe?" I nods my head not knowing what he said. His head is shaved he has tattoos all over his body. He has a bell that doesn't have enough food babies. He has slim jeans. Too slim for his own good. Gross. He gives off a vibe that he is pretty chill. But I'm still going to watch my back. As we step in. I get into the front entrance which is when I start looking around. As I look around I see a desk with lots of clatter and piles of paper. I look to see a a mirror in the reflection there is a jacket that says a riding gang. As I start to trace back where it is originally placed he sees me going for it and he starts. " Sorry I thought I hid that better. But what do I expect from an extremely smart talented on and only girl." He spoke. Not spoke more like let the words run as fast as the flash. "It's okay I just want to know what gang it is."

"The best scary gang. They protect us all whether or not we where born into it. They protect our families. Our friends. We are all one." I nodded my head. It made sense. But now I just want to make sure that nothing is fake. I feel something of guilt or some thing that is hidden. I will start researching it. But he didn't say the name. Strange. And suspicious. "What is the name? And is it okay if I were to meet some of them?" He looked at Cam to see if he cared he shrugged his shoulders. "Cameron can I talk to you?" As I waited I moved to the room with the door where they were talking. "Cameron are you sure it's okay for her to know them? With all that she has been through?"

"Dude that's the reason why you should it will provide as a distraction." Cameron said.

"Well okay than. If you think it's a good idea than I will." As I shuffle back to where I was originally standing. Something started to twist at my gut. It was a feeling going through my stomach all the way to my head. The word 'Distraction' kept repeating in my head. Over and over it was endless and than the boys care out. "My gang name is "The Flying White Demons." They are in an endless war of providing peace in a scary way. But it helps people who don't know what to do. If they are in trouble we protect them at all costs."

"Who did you protect?" He was startled by my question.

"Well...umm... we protect our people and our members and our members family. Why do you ask?" Shit...

"No reason." Cameron and the guy looked at me.

"Sorry I forgot your name what was it?"

"John. Is my name. Sorry I don't think I remembered to properly introduce us." John of the flying white demons... hmmm....

" so if I had a friend who was raped by a guy and she knows who the guy is could you deliver a message like one to keep them away from her?" Shock his his face as his eyes bulged out of his socket. As I looked at Cameron he was as dumbfounded as he was.

"Umm yeah... who's the girl? And what is the boys umm name....?"

Chapter 2

I reached down to grab my work my teacher was being a nosy one once again. I looked at her as I started to write my work down my friend let me copy his notes. So I erased my previous notes and wrote the copied ones down. I thought of how much Chloe would regret coming back to school. And how much she would deserve to die inside before she finally actually dies. It would be amazing to see her boyfriend suffer.  It's time for payback.

Dear diary.
I want to see that girls face and make her feel like a disgrace.
She has been misplaced it's time we left no trace
It's timer for her to die in this place.

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