The Fight

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As I stood there I curled my fists into a tight ball. My vision was precise on every breath he made and every muscle that flinched. Every sweat that dropped. Every pore that opened. As I could feel my heart beat faster and harder each thought that raced through my mind. Through every thought it ran to the back of my mind. As I was prepared for anything and any movement to disrupt my patience. As I looked into his eyes I challenged him with mine. As he awaited my approach for a threat. I opened my mouth and said "what are you waiting for? Or are you afraid to fight me? Are you afraid to loose? I guess it's smart. But hurry my patience is running out. And my body is ready to follow through. I will show you what woman are made out of. You will remember this lesson for eternity. And make this a new line of memory. I'm warning you to actually stop so you don't get hurt. If you Follow through with this you will get hurt." He looked at me a contemptment smile showed on his face.

"Are you stalling?"

"No im warning you so no one can say I didn't warn you." I raised my right eyebrow as I tended my muscles.

I cracked my fingers and my joints. I started to jumpstart my adrenaline by jumping up and down quickly. I looked over at Cameron. He has sweat on his forehead and he's not even doing anything. I looked at my knuckles preparing them to fight. Preparing them to be hurt. After all it would hurt as much as hitting the school walls. The school walls where made out of cement so human skin would be punching a balloon. I looked at him. I read his face. I read his fear. I read his body. I have fought a body like this. I have won. I have fought a mind like this and I have won. This person would be no different. As he stepped closer to me. I raised my hands to my face I started bouncing quicker and faster. And then he through a punch. I ducked to my left as his fist was on the right side. I stopped bouncing. And stood my ground. " you will actually have to hit me in order to get hurt." He looked at me with a wicked grin.

"Trust me you will know when I hit you." All of the sudden I felt some force hit my stomach. I felt my stomach tear open. I felt the blood pour out. "Let this be a lesson to you all. No matter how bad they get you. They will always have it worse. Like public humiliation for hitting a girl. Public humiliation for a girl kicking your ass. And so many more. Or a girl fighting for girls rights to not be treated as property. And little spoiler the girl wins."

He looked at me angrily and I showed him my look of your in dangerous territory. I shoved him back with my right forearm. As I uppercut him with my left fist I brought back my right fist to protect my face making sure something was always there to protect it. I lifted my leg and turned my body away from him in order to roundhouse kick. I looked at him and I took my right hand a powered through the air and hit him in his temple. He fell instantly to the ground. " I warned you. I'm not a dumbass who doesn't fulfill their promises. I don't say something and than turn around and don't do it. Now I suggest you start listening to me and stop treating woman as if they are property. Or else you will end up in the same position but worse for not learning your first lesson." I looked at him. He moved his hands to help him get back up to his feet. As he stood up. "Round two is going to begin. We are not stopping until someone is down to bruises. And is blessing out and can't go on. Or is knocked out for more than ten seconds."
Him laying ground rules.

"Fine. But beware you will be badly hurt." As he moved his knee I moved back to dodge his front kick. As I looked at him he went to punch me. I grabbed his fist with my right hand and turned him so his back was facing my tummy I moved my arm around his neck and held him in a chokehold. "Having fun getting your ass kicked yet?"

Then I kicked him in the nuts. As he fell to the ground on his knees. I gave another uppercut on his lower chin. As I punched his face from the side his nose cracked as blood started to pour. Assuming I just broke his nose I punched him right in the temple and he fell towards the ground. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I won!!! Haha. Sucker. I told you I would win!"

As he awoke after a couple minutes I had his nose put into place. I somehow dislocated his nose. Disgusting. As I cupped his nose with a tissue. "How long was I out?"

I looked at my phone and paused the timer. And I showed him my phone timer. 13.53 was what it said. " I've been out for THIRTEEN MINUTES??!! How did you get so good. No one has been able to beat me. And they weren't even woman!!! How is this possible?!!" Well. Who ever he fought where wusses.

"I have learned how to fight. Everyone calls me poison. For a reason." Fear showed in his eyes.

"P-p-poison!!! You should have said something! I wouldn't have fought you!!"
Cameron shot me a look of who the hell and what the hell is going on kind of facial look.

"doesn't matter who I am. It matters when you treat girls with disrespect. That's when I come in."

"I'm sorry. Please please please forgive me. I'm truly sorry." His hands started to shake as his body was trembling as if it was having an earthquake.

" so want to tell me why you treat girls with such disrespect and while you are at it you should tell your leader of the gang your in if they treat girls that way they have to answer to us."

"No not you guys. No you are actually in it? No no this can't happen!!!"

"Yes I am one of the leaders of the Shedemons. My friend is the other leader. I'm poison. For a reason. I invade in the blood to kill the bad parts." You do not want to mess with me. At all mostly because of my gang. And because my gang has me. But I can't tell him anymore. It always matters on what I say or what I hide. Right now I have to tell Cameron. He didn't know anything about it. And he is clueless.

"And if you ever tell anyone I AM POISON I WILL MAKE SURE nothing like that will ever happen."
He tatted to nods his head crazily.
"Yes mam. I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone. You have my word." I think I made him shit his pants. Tehe that's Amazing.

Chapter 2

Dear diary
it seems like a good plan it all in place I just can't seem to wait. I'm so happy I can barely breathe I have a rush in my body. I can't wait till she comes back to school. She will regret having friends. Living or thinking. It's going to be awesome.

Dickhead SyndromeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ