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I woke up in the arms of a muscular man. I pried open my eyes and looked at him. He had black wings and his eyes were red. He had a black crown either tattooed on his face or it must have been put in there. "You were knocked out longer than I was. I cushioned your fall." His voice was deeper. 

"I can fly on my own." 

"Are you sure?" he asked. 

"Yes." I quickly spoke trying not to hesitate. 

"Okay." I hopped out of his arms and brought my wings out. I could see my wings were black. But how was that possible? They were white before. I looked at my legs which somehow felt different but they weren't. 

I looked up at him. "When we touched we somehow ended up in having a metamorphosis together. It changed how we both look." I looked him in the eyes. 


"I do know, but I am afraid you may end up thirty miles in the opposite direction if I tell you." I don't run away that much.

"I'll do it whether or not you tell me."

"The school is when we do research. We do research about our powers and who we are and where we come from." I shrugged.

"So what did you learn?" I asked almost afraid to know the answer.

"I learned when you meet your significant other." He looked me in the eyes. 

"As well as soulmates. When you touch them and make skin contact you would change." I looked at him fearful. 

I couldn't do with heart break anymore. "I am sorry but-"

"I know you were hurt but I will never hurt you." 

"You don't understand my other boyfriend-"

"Hurt you, but I will not."

"He died and yes he did hurt me. He was in a car crash. He died. He left me. So who's to say you won't hurt me?" I could hear my own voice breaking. 

His hands grabbed mine. "Trust me." I bit my lip unsure of what do to. 

"okay. I will." I spoke. 

"Let's hurry they are all probably wondering why we are taking so long." I nodded. 

We flew in silence as the wind brushed through my hair whipping my face and relaxing my skin. I felt my stomach and heard a loud bang. I looked to see the blood. Again? I tried flying but my wings were disagreeing with me so they went back into my body. "NO!" I heard his voice shout as he dove and caught me seconds before we hit the ground. 

"Your'e going to be okay. Don't worry." He held me tightly as he flew straight up and into the sky using clouds as shields. 

Soon I could feel the wind hitting our skin as if we free-diving or free-falling. "Headmaster!" I could hear his holler vocalize through the sky as we came to an abrupt stop. Except now I felt like I was being pushed up and down. He was jogging with me, or running. "Headmaster she is hurt! She has been shot!"

"How much blood has she lost? When did she get shot?" The headmaster spoke

"I don't know it just all happened so fast!" Well, first impression on getting to school is getting shot. Bet no one could beat that. One was to make everyone know who I am before I know who they are. 

One way to make an entrance. One way to introduce myself to the gossip critters in seconds. Well here we go Chloe, new start and your already the talk of the yard. 

A/N (Authors Note) 

Hey Guys! I know it's a short chapter. I hope you all are appreciating the books and the stories! Who's your favorite character? I hope you all continue reading the stories. Have a great day! 

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