The Tests

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I woke up as a shining light interrupted my vision. "Ahh, Lookie over here sleeping beauty finally woke up." 

I looked over to the voice of the people. I saw another girl a bit older than me in a cage. "Guys leave her alone. We don't know what she's been through." I looked to over to see two other guys in the same cage and a young boy and a young girl in a cage. 

What the hell was going on here? Can I just stay in the shadows for once in my goddamn life!? I sighed as I stood up and the doors opened. A man dressed in black looked at my chaotically. "No that you're awake we shall run some tests." He said smirking moving his head slowly from side to side. 

"Touch me in any fucking way and I will rip your nutsack off." I got closer to him. 

"And Honey it's best you take that as a foregone conclusion. Because I keep my threats and promises." He laughed. 

"You couldn't even touch me right now. You are caged in like a beast." This man had a tie on him. 

I can pull him with the tie. I quickly grabbed the tie that was wrapped around his neck and pulled it to the cage making him hit his head. "You aren't suppose to get to close to beasts." I smirked. 

He got back up with a bloody nose. "He's bleeding... He's never bled before." The girl and I made eye contact and smirked. 

"I like this girl." The door opened and three other men came in. 

"You had to antagonize her?" The one sighed in annoyance. 

"that's okay the only reason he antagonizes people is because of his medical condition." I answered ready to make a fool out of him. 

"What medical condition." Oh this joke is amazing and this guy just helped me whether he knew it or not. 

"His micro-penis. That's why he acts out. Unless hes in the closet and afraid to come out. Or his has severe daddy issues." I tried keeping a straight face as everyone laughed.

"You whore!" 

"Wow, so if I am a whore and i'm not even the slightest attracted to you, what does that say about you?" He hit the bars punching them. 

I looked at his fist. He was bleeding. But he did punch the bars extremely hard. I looked over at the doors as a couple more men came in. "Okay, let's get her out boys." I Stared the ringleader in the eyes. 

But something felt off. There was way too many men here to retrieve me. So, this had to be another test. If I pass this test I will be able to get back home sooner right? Let's think. Got it and I am ready. The cage door opened as I jumped up to the top of the cage using my hands I grabbed onto the cage and kicked two of the men in the heads knocking them out. I pushed my body through the swing and jumped onto the top of the cage. "Who the hell is this woman?! Where the hell did they find her?" I stared at them. 

I could fight my way out of any situation if it came down to it. I hissed at them. "let us be free. Or I will become your worst nightmare." 

The doors opened. "Just so you know your boyfriend is being watched. I looked at the recording they had of him and smirked. "My boyfriend is allergic to cats. You have one right there. But nice try." I looked around and observed my surroundings. 

I hopped off doing a back flip touching the ground as one man came around and threw a punch over at my face as I ducked and double punched him in the stomach and ended with a right hook as his body fell limp. Then another man came and I did a twirl kick hitting his head. I felt the air behind me change and I ducked as I used my left leg to take that one guy off balance. I ended up giving everyone a hard time until I got to the last one. He didn't seem to like how I countered his team. But everyone has their ups and downs moments. I watched him as he looked me in the eyes. I needed to be free and meet with my friends. I needed to be able to see everyone. I needed to survive for my boyfriend. He was my purpose to free myself. We have been through hell and heaven, we have been through thick and thin. I looked at him waiting for him to throw the first punch. But I could feel the air behind me change and the sound of a soft hurry of feet running behind me. Someone was running at me from behind. I was in between two cages. I jumped up onto the right one with my leg then pushed myself to the other cage and started pushing myself up. I watched as the person ran into the ringleader. You would think that person would stop. 

The door opened once again. "Everyone clear out." The whole mourning and groaning people on the floor didn't move much. 

"Damn, they getting the EMS over here. Girl you crazy!" The one girl spoke. 

"We all had the choice, fight or go freely and willingly. I fought and only took out half of them. the two guys fought now that was what you call disappointment. But you took them all out!" I nodded. 

"Thanks? I think." I muttered the last part to myself. 

"Look, dear we need you to come with us. Whether we put you in restraints or not you are coming with us." Bet. 

I would like to see your asses try me. I smirked. "What happens if I don't come with you? Will you be dead? Or will you let us free?" 

"These people are lab babies they have never been free in their life. You should know that life is  shitty by now."

"I do know, but my boyfriend is out there and so are my girls. So is my education."

"Why on earth do you want to go back?" 

"Because without them, I would have killed myself a long time ago." I seethed. 

"The world was cruel to you, Abusive parents-"

"You don't need to read it out. I have survived through my life. Because of it. I don't need to hear it." I barked in annoyance.

"You give to much credit to your boyfriend."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked him. 

"Because he is moving away across the world basically." 

I looked at him I could tell he was serious. "Bull fucking shit."

If someone were to say he had gotten under my skin. That was a fucking lie. He hit all of my fucking nerves.


What do you think she will do? 

Dickhead SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now