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It was quiet for a second, I wondered what he was thinking, when will he talk? All of a sudden Klaus pushed past me and walked off not caring.

"Nikklaus," I call after him but he doesn't stop.

Another person who just walked out on me. At a time like this one. A tear just runs down my face and then more tears fall, my emotions were all over the place.

Elijah just hugs me. I'm shocked. I hug back after a little bit.

I look up at his face.

"Come on in," Elijah takes my hand and leads me inside.

I sit down on a couch. Elijah starts to walk off, I grab his hand and pull him back. I don't want to be alone. Elijah sits down next to me. Without thinking I lay my head against his shoulder. We sit like this for a good five minutes.

I look up at Elijah, thoughts swirling in my brain, so many emotions. My brain just kept thinking about him, my feelings, "fuck it," I say leaning up and kissing him.

I pull back. My face feels hot. Looking at his face he's definitely shocked. After a couple, seconds of awkward, Elijah pulls me into another kiss.

The kiss lasts for a good minute. I swear I'm the color of a tomato.

I yawn then Elijah wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his chest. I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

Thirty Minutes Later

I woke up to being pulled up away from Elijah by Klaus himself looking very angry, he looked at me and then at Elijah.

"Elijah," his voice was full of anger, "you, you are NOT this baby's father!" He suddenly screamed his grip on my arm tightening to painful measures, "if you dating her means any kind of parenting towards my child- if I'm abandoned when you three become a family I will..." He shook with anger, "stay away from her!"

Elijah stood up cautiously, "Nikklaus, you know I would never touch something that could bring you redemption, you are my brother, my blood," his eyes moved to mine with sympathy, "the child is yours and you will be a good father. A better father than Mikael."

"You're hurting me," I say quietly. I'm too scared to look at him.

He releases my arm. I hold my arm and back up until I hit a wall.

I start to breathe heavily. All of this reminds me of my family and my past.

"After what she just witnessed from you she's probably scared of you," Elijah said, "you might want to compel her or have me compel her to forget. You don't want her avoiding you."

I stay silent. I want to run but I can't move. I'm frozen.

Elijah lightly lifts my chin and looks into my eye. His pupils dilate, "nothing happened between me, you, and Nikklaus," he said sweetly, "you came here to tell Nikklaus that you were pregnant then you guys came in here. You fell asleep in Nikklaus's arms and that's it."

He walks away and I look at Klaus.

"Do you want a bed?" Klaus asked sincerely.

I just nodded. Klaus leads me to a room. I drag him to the bed, sitting down. He tries to leave, but I wrap my arms around him.

Klaus sighs and just lays down. In his arms, I slowly fall asleep.

Four Hours Later

Alone in the bed, I wake up. When did Klaus leave? Why does my head hurt?

I stand up and walk out of the room. Exploring the house I find this locked room. What could be in here?

Hmm, how can I get in? I got it! Taking a bobby pin out of my hair, I picklock the lock.

Walking in I see a coffin just sitting there, I for some reason open it and gasp... It's Kol... What the fuck, his skin was all veiny and grey, he has a dagger in him, but there's no blood. I go over to his lifeless body. Pulling out the dagger, I look for the blood. There is none. It's strange, the wound healed instantly. What the hell is going on?

Scared, I book it for the door. I pass Elijah and Klaus on my way out. They try to stop me but I'm already out.

I get back to Damon's house. I run up to my room. Realizing I still have the dagger, I drop it on the floor.

I jump when my window opens. Turning around I see Kol. How? What's going on? He was dead. What the hell is happening?

"Good to see you, Darling," Kol greeted climbing in his arrogant smirk on his face.

"How?" I asked scared.

"That's a long story, I just came here to thank you for saving me."

"Saving you? I think you got this all wrong. I was looking for the blood. You had a dagger in your chest."

I sit on the bed looking at the ground. Kol sits next to me silently. He seems a bit sweeter than he was. Kol lifts my chin up and kisses me. I let it go on. It feels good. I like it. I start thinking about Klaus and this kid. I quickly pull out of the kiss and look at the ground.

"Everything ok, Darling?" Kol asks me.

"We can't do this," I answer.

"Why not," Kol said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I'm pregnant and Nikklaus is the father," I answer looking up at him.

He looks shocked and confused.

He just stood up and climbed out of the window.

"Kol wait," I call after him. He ignores me.

"Kol, please don't leave," I call after him.

I don't really want to be alone. I also want answers, but I'm too scared to go back to the Mikaelson Mansion to ask for them.

Thirty Minutes Later

Klaus is climbing through my window.

"I need to tell you something," Klaus says to me.

I'm worried. What could it be?

The next thing I knew Klaus explained these insane things. He told me that the supernatural was real, that his family were the Original Vampires. That they were the first, that there are Witches, and Werewolves. He told me the story of the Mikaelson's and he told me that he, himself, is a Hybrid. I had a hard time believing this but to be honest it did add up to a lot of things. Even though it made sense I was still scared, this is crazy, they are killers...

The Unknown Salvatore || The Vampire Dairies/Originals AU •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now