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I woke up in Klaus's arms. I look up at him before sitting up.

"Everything alright, Love?" Klaus asks me, sitting up.

"No nothing's alright," I answer looking at him, "I almost died, the baby almost died because of the things you did," I pause, "how do you expect me or this child to live when you're in our lives."

"I am sorry love, but I promise to protect you and my child no matter what, " Klaus said sounding sincere, "I have done a lot over the years, but I give you my word that you and my child will be safe."

"I won't be safe if I stay here with you," I look at the ground, "I'm sorry Nikklaus, I need to leave."

"Where will you go?" Klaus asked.

"I don't know, maybe back to my hometown," I answer, "I'll go back to living my step-dad and half-brother."

"Why would you stay with him, he's done nothing but hurt you."

"It's safer than staying here!"

"Not with my enemies out there, it would be much safer for you to stay here by my side."

"The longer I'm here the more people will know about me, the more my life will be in danger. How is that safer?"

"Because I am here."

"I'm in danger just by being near you!"

"I will not let you take my child to that place, but I will not force you to stay here either. I have a place that you can stay that no one but I now about."

"Am I supposed to just live there all alone for the rest of my life? Just to satisfy you? I don't remember signing up to be controlled by you."

"Then what do you call our marriage Love?"

"You forced me into this. I had no choice."

"Well then this won't be anything new to you, and you won't be alone Rebekah will accompany you."

"I'm not living there. I'm going back home and that's it. Stop controlling me."

Klaus picks me up bridal style and carries me to a car. I kick him the whole way there. He puts me in the car and buckles the seat belt. After he gets in he drives off.

One Hour Later

We end up at this house. He carries me in and throws me on a bed.

"I'm going to stay here until Rebekah shows up," Klaus says sitting next to me.

"I really hate you," I look at him.

"Stick and stones, Love," Klaus looks at me.

"Even if you keep me here, I will never let this child near you," I growl.

"You can't keep me away from my child," Nikklaus snarled back.

"This child might be half yours but you'll never be a good father and I'm not letting my child die because you snapped one day," I said looking away.

"I would never hurt my own flesh in blood."

"What about all the things you've done to your siblings?"

"I would never hurt mu own child and if you dare take my child from me I can't promise the same about you."

"It's not my fault you're so insane. I want my child to have a good life, that won't happen if you're in their life."

"It's not just your child its mine too, and I will be in their life rather you like it or not."

"You want to apart of their life? Fine, but you will never be in my life again."

Klaus walks out and slams the door behind him. I try to open the door but it's locked.

"Nikklaus! God damnit let me out!" I yell through the door.

"Can't hear you, love, try not to stress out the baby," Klaus answers through the door.

"Being locked in here is stressing out the child. This is going to give me PTSD, and that's horrible for pregnancy," I say sitting against the wall.

"Relax it only for a bit," he says.

"Just unlock the door Nikklaus," I say silently, "Nikklaus? Nikklaus?!" He left! That asshole!

I pull my knees to my chest, "Nikklaus, I know you can hear me please let me out. I can't do this," I start to breathe heavily.

"Alright, love come on out," Klaus said.

I stand up and open the door, walking out.

Klaus grabs my arm and pulls me close to him, "do something like that again and I won't let you out. No matter how much sobbing you do."

"You're just as bad as my step-dad," I say looking into his eyes, "how is this any better for the baby."

Klaus just stays silent.

"I..I'm sorry, everything just seems so horrible," I say hugging Klaus and burying my face in his chest as I start to cry.

"It's alright love, I am sorry for locking you in that room, and for snapping," Klaus says hugging me back.

"It's my fault, I kept antagonizing you. I don't know what's wrong with me," I say silently.

"It just the hormones."

"I'm a horrible wife."

"No your not love, it's not your fault that your hormones are acting up, its part of pregnancy."

"I'm horrible. This child would do better without me."

"That's not true, a child needs their mother."

"I'm still technically only a child. I'm not ready for this."

"You'll be a great mother."

"I'm only 17, I can't be a mother. I'm supposed to go on to college and everything but how can I do that with a child?"

"I can take care of the baby when your away at school and my siblings can also help. And 17 isn't that young."

"I'm sorry Nikklaus, but I don't think I can do this."

"You can do this, we can do this."

"I..I can't. Nikklaus I love you but a child is too much for me right now. I'll have the baby so you can raise it but I don't want to ruin its life."

"You won't ruin its life if anything you'll save its life from me."

"I can't," I say staring at the ground.

"It's alright love," Klaus said pulling me into a hug. He began rubbing circles on my back to soothe me, "It may all seem scary now but will make it through, as a family."

"Are you sure?"

"I give you my word love."

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