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The Next Day

I wake up to see Jamie in the living room. I go to the door and try to open it. It won't open. That dick!

I call Elijah.

"Hello Addison," Elijah answers.

"Hey asshole," I say pissed off, "what did you do? Why can't I leave the house?"

"I didn't want any chance of you taking the child from us," Elijah says sternly, "so I had a witch put a spell on the house."

"I have to go to school," I snap at him.

"Actually I already called them," he says, "your out of Mystic Falls high until further notice."

"How am I supposed to finish high school and have a life?" I start to panic, "oh god I'm never going to be able to do anything. I will never be a lawyer. I will be forced to work at a fast food restaurant and live on the streets."

"I'm sorry but you'll continue them after the birth."

"You're not in charge of my life! Your whole family is ruining my life!" I start to breathe heavily.

"Goodbye Addison," he hung up.

Three Hours Later

"Did you drink all of that?" I look over to see Damon walk in to see all of the empty bourbon and Vodka bottles, "now I see how your a Salvatore. Wait aren't you pregnant?"

"No, " I say looking at Damon, "I got bored and dumped them down the sink," I say as I open another bottle, dumping it out, "why are you even here?"

"Elena said you were dumped here and we are technically family," Damon answers me.

"I'd rather die than admit to being related to an asshole like you," I shoot a glare at Damon.

"But you'll sleep with one like Klaus?" Damon says.

I decide to call Elijah, again.

"What do you need Addson?" Elijah asks as he answers.

"You said this house was safe but Damon can still get in here and he's being an ass," I say glaring at Damon.

"Salvatores are family, so your safe," he said simply, "now I'm busy with finding my long lost brother at sea so don't call me if you need anything call Rebekah."

He hung up.

Seven Months Later

I'm still living with Elena. Damon has finally stopped annoying me. I just want to go to school and be normal, but ever since moving here life has never been normal. Plus I've gotten huge I swear this baby is gonna kill me.

I'm sitting on the couch when I hear a knock on the door. I go and answer it to see Elijah.

"What do you want?" I ask looking at him.

"The spell has been lifted," Elijah said, "you can finally come home to the Mansion since you're so close," he gestured to my stomach.

I just grumbled as I got into his car, he was speaking with Elena real quick as I just rolled my eyes before jumping seeing Kol in the backseat drenched and still daggered!

I reach back to Kol and pull out the dagger, "there's still no blood!"

Elijah comes to grab the dagger but I throw it into Elena's house.

"Are you a child?" He asked annoyance in his voice.

"Technically yes," I say looking at him.

"Now I have to get the dagger," he grumbled.

All of a sudden his neck was snapped!

I jumped as Kol glared at him before looking at me, "mind telling me, Darling, why I'm all drenched?"

"Nikklaus..." I tell him looking away.

"What did he do?" Kol asked seriously, "all I remember is... Oh," he paused as he looked at me or more specifically my bump, "how long has it been?"

"Seven months," I say quietly.

"That fucker," he hissed, "and why am I drenched if you say he dropped me in the ocean I might flip."

"Well I won't say anything then," I say before hugging him, "I really missed you."

"I missed you too, Darling, I'm glad you didn't forget about me," he said as he pulled away, "now what's a good way to get back at Klaus I wonder?"

"Don't do anything stupid," I look up at him.

"Oh but stupid is my middle name."

"That one is obvious, but I just got you back and I'd rather not lose you again."

"I'm flattered," he winked.

"Don't make me consider daggering you myself," I jokingly glare at him.

"Uh huh," he said as he kicked Elijah out of the car onto the street before climbing into the drivers seat, "so, Darling, where would you like to go?"

"Is going halfway across the earth a choice?" I say while laying my head against the car window.

"Oh, we can figure it out," Kol smirked as I looked at him, "I'm Kol Mikaelson, an Original Vampire, we can go anywhere in the world."

"Does that mean we can escape this crazy ass town and never come back?"

Kol just started the car, "sounds like a plan."


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