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I woke up in a dimmed lit room, I tried to stand but I realized I was tied to a chair making me panic but I then realized again I have no ropes so magic...

"Hey your awake," I looked up and saw Daniel.

"Your a witch," I realized.

He just smiled, "very good," he walked over, "do you want some water?"

"We're doing orders now?" I asked, "I want a bacon cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, two large fries, a large Dr Pepper, a large chocolate shake, and actually make that three large fries."

Daniel just stared at me a grin on his face, "Sorry only have water," he grabbed a water bottle, "I mean if you don't want water to hydrate yourself as the liquids begin to leave your body and body shuts down killing you and your child, that's your choice."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask fearfully.

"Because of the child in your womb," he told me, "letumferre," he says.

"What does that even mean!?"

"I think you already know."

"Bringer Of Death?" I asked, "she's just a little baby."

"That baby will grow up, Addison," Daniel walked over to me, "she will have blood lust, evil, she will bring the end of the world."

"You don't know that-"

"It's been prophesied since before the Vikings- since before the Originals were even created," he said, "so yes I do know this."

"It never said it would be this child," I try to get off of the chair. This damn witch! "Maybe it's some other child who isn't going to be born for years or maybe it's not even true. Just leave me and my child out of this!"

"We can't take this chance," Daniel said as he grabbed my shoulder forcing me to be still, "your bouncing baby girl cannot be aloud to be born. I'm sorry but the world can't be aloud to take a risk like this."

"It's not her!" I yell at him, "just let me go!"

"It is her!"

"You don't even know the prophecy so don't even lie!" He hissed, "There is so much proof. A witch looked over your stomach and had a supernatural seizure, seeing the prophecy again even though the last time a witch saw it was like a thousand years ago! Your child is the letumferre and we cannot let her be born," he looked over me, "it's too late for regret anyways, the spell is already on you," he wiped sweat off my head as I realized how hot it was in here, "you'll die over the night."

"You can just take it off and stop being a dick!"

"Whatever you say, princess," Daniel walked away leaving the room.

I just groaned trying to breath better but the room was boiling and suddenly I was really thirsty... I took a shaky deep breath.

An Hour Later

It only got worse.

Daniel has been gone but I was dying, I could feel it, I was getting dehydrated and I couldn't get to the water that he, as the asshole he is, left out out of reach from me. I just groaned trying to get out of the chair.

"I'm back!"

I looked over and saw Daniel walk in with McDonald's.

"You got me the food? Finally something to eat."

"Feeling like your dying yet?" Daniel asked.

The Unknown Salvatore || The Vampire Dairies/Originals AU •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now