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The Next Morning

I just got off the phone with my half-brother, Jamie. He told me that they found my mom dead in the woods of Mystic Falls. They say it's an animal attack. I'm pretty sure that animal is the father of my child.

Thirty Minutes Later

I put all my stuff in my car to go see my Jamie. When I turn around I see Finn.

"Well escaping our family already?" He put his hands on his hips, "wise choice."

"I'm just leaving for the weekend," I say silently, "sadly I have no where better to live. Plus I think it would be hard to get away from Klaus while I'm carrying his child."

"You should leave forever if you want to live to raise that child," he told me as he rose an eyebrow, "your loss if you don't I hope your child will have better luck."

"I'm not going to die by staying here," I look at him, "am I?"

"You obviously haven't met any of the women in any of my brothers lives," he laughed, "probably because they are all long dead. Usually because Kol got too bored, Klaus got too angry, and Elijah lost it. Love doesn't last dear girl."

"Th-That can't be true," I stumble to open the door of the car.

He just smirks, "good luck, Dollface, your going to need it," he turned and walked back into the house.

I get in the car and quickly drive off. Everything Finn said is swirling through my brain. I can see what he said about Klaus and Kol being true, but Elijah? I need to stop thinking about this. All I need to think about is helping out Jamie.

Two Hours Later

I finally get there. I walk up to the door and I'm about to knock. I turn around to see Elena Gilbert.

"Elena, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Actually I'm much prettier," Elena said smirking as she suddenly slammed my head against the wall and everything went black...

Three Hours Later

I wake up in this strange room. I see Elena instantly. I'm tied up.

"Elena, whats going on?" I ask trying to get out of the bonds.

"The names Katherine," she smirks, "and you have a bundle of Mikaelson baby in your womb- Klaus Mikaelson's baby to be exact," her voice full of venom.

"What do you want with me," I look at her worried.

"You know what's the sweetest thing in the world?" She asked leaning close, "revenge."

"What did I do to you?" I keep trying to get out of the restraints.

"Not you, your baby daddy," she hissed, "keep fighting I'll break your arm."

"Why are you involving me then?" I ask, "too scared to attack Nikklaus himself?"

"Klaus is practically invincible, trust me I've tried, its easier to break a man from the inside," she suddenly forced my head hit the back of the chair making the back of my head ache, "and I don't care what I have to do to do so, think of all the," she licked her lips, "creative ways I could rip you apart slowly and painfully. Send pieces of you to Klaus in little wrapped boxes. Sounds festive."

"You will just make things worse with Nikklaus," I start to breathe a bit heavier.

"Will I?" She smirked, "guess what, Klaus has a thousand enemies, you will always be in danger- your child will always be in danger. So if you die now, he will never know who did it, it would torment him," she suddenly grabbed my neck cutting off my air, "trouble breathing?" I tried to speak but I couldn't, "hm? You sound as if your suffocating. What happens to the child when the mother dies, I wonder..."

My eyes began to flutter close but she suddenly let me go and I took a huge gasp of air in and continued to get as much air as I could.

"You don't have to do this," I look at her, "whatever Nikklaus did to you has nothing to do with me."

"Klaus murdered my entire family because I ran from being sacrificed like a pig!" She hissed, "he butchered my family, my little sister, my father... My... My momma," she looked away, "I'm going to get revenge by taking his family away like he did mine."

"If you really wanted me dead I would be dead by now," I keep hoping I can wiggle out of the ropes.

"I'd rather ripe your heart out right in front of Klaus," Katherine grabs my face and forces me to look at her, "the look on his face would be priceless."

"He would kill you," I say close to getting out of the ropes.

"Not if he thinks it's sweet old Elena Gilbert," she says tighten the rope, "I hear she has been turned and she has every reason to get revenge on Klaus."

Before I could say anything my phone started ringing. Katherine looks at it than me.

"It's Kol," she steps closer to me, "you're going to answer it and tell him you're having a fun time with your family and that everything is fine, got it?"

"Yes," I say before she holds the phone up against my ear, "hey Kol."

"Is everything alright you just left out of the blue," Kol says he sounds worried, "Finn said you went to see family?"

"Yea I'm having a great time with my family," I say, "everything is fine. Nothing bad is happening, other than Kath-," she pulls the phone away from me and hangs up.

"Maybe I should carve out the bundle of joy of yours and Klaus's," she moved a knife to my stomach, "since he wants to meet it so much, he can."

"L..Leave the baby out of this," I say as a tear runs down my face.

"Hm, why should I?" She asks poking the knife into my skin.

"The child has nothing to do with this," I say silently, "I have nothing to do with this."

"Klaus's baby will turn out just as bad as him," she pushes in deeper before pulling the knife away, "since now you're going to be rescued soon lets get you very bloody. I would love to see Klaus kill you over the temptation of blood," she pulls out her fangs and starts to bite all over my body. I start to see red after a little bit.

Through all the blurs I can see I guy. I can't make out his face quite yet. Once he gets closer and picks me up I realize who it is.

"K..Kol?" I ask shakily.

"It's ok Addison," Kol says while feeding me is blood. I ended up passing out after that.

The Unknown Salvatore || The Vampire Dairies/Originals AU •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now