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While I'd transferred to the Pediatric Wing as an escape, I'd found myself enjoying my work there more than I'd expected. My first stint in that wing was nothing like what I was experiencing the second time around, children possessed more strength than half of the adults that I'd ever treated.

"How comes you're here when the sun is out Ari?" A patient by the name of Casey asked me; she was a sweet girl who had terminal cancer.

I chuckled at her inquisitiveness while checking her vitals, "Well, I've got plans for tonight, so I switched shifts with someone." I explained. "Have you been able to keep your food down Casey?"

"With a boy?" She squealed, ignoring my question.

My arms crossed as I shook my head at her, "Answer the question Casey."

"I'll tell you if you tell me!" She giggled playfully while covering her face.

I smiled, deciding to humor her, "Yes, with a boy. Now, did you keep your breakfast down?"

"Yeah! Dr. Daisy said that I can have pizza if I don't throw up all week!" Casey cheered. "Is the boy a doctor?"

My smile grew wider at the news, she hadn't been able to keep anything down for a few days. "No honey, not a doctor. How about I come by tomorrow before my shift starts so that I can tell you all about it?" I suggested, attempting to appease her so that I could move on to my next patient.

"Okay! Have fun Ari!" She waved goodbye to me as I prepared to leave.

I chuckled at her, "See you later Casey."

The rest of my shift flew by, a few of my favorite patients were in bad shape; which affected my mood, but I'd been trying my best to keep my emotions in check. I hoped Dr. Jade would've been proud of the way that I'd handled myself at work, though guilt still caused my stomach to turn when I thought of the way that I'd acted during our last session. I left the hospital and tried to get home as quickly as possible. Mahdi was scheduled to arrive in about four hours and I desperately needed a nap before our date.

Lani was setting up the living room when I walked in, she'd offered to help me get the place ready so that I'd be able to sleep. Because Mahdi and I had demanding jobs, my vision for our date was something understated and relaxing; I tried to think of the things that I appreciated after a long shift and hoped that he'd be on board with my decision. In proper Lani fashion, she'd taken the bones of my idea and improved it significantly; she'd placed candles on the coffee table, along with a few movie choices and one of our plush blankets was spread out on the floor.

"Isn't this a little...too romantic?" I asked her while setting my keys down.

Lani rolled her eyes, "It's a date; that's the point. Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when I'm leaving." She shooed me out of the room and resumed her task.

As usual, I was exhausted and too eager to rest to argue with her. I couldn't deny the fact that I was nervous to see Mahdi again, the nerves were only partly salved by the fact that our date was in a place where I felt like I was in control. Control was something that I needed when interacting with Mahdi. Before sleep took me, I took a shower so that I could maximize my down time.

The three hours that I'd spent asleep were less than peaceful, even in sleep I was anxious to see Mahdi again. Leilani woke me up, a duffel bag slung over her shoulder; she'd decided to banish herself to her parents' house so that I could have the apartment to myself. We said our goodbyes and I began to get ready; though I had no intentions of overdressing to sit in my living room, I wanted him to think that I was putting real effort in.

 We said our goodbyes and I began to get ready; though I had no intentions of overdressing to sit in my living room, I wanted him to think that I was putting real effort in

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