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Mahdi picked me up the next day around eleven in the morning and we made our way to Izan's house. I was nervous, yet uncharacteristically optimistic about how the day would unfold. Apart from Shiloh, no guy that I was involved with had ever come close to meeting anyone in my family; but Mahdi wasn't Shiloh and he definitely wasn't a casual thing. He was stuck with me; I couldn't imagine myself starting over with someone else.

The conversation during our car ride consisted of work and Cairo, Mahdi was excited about how well her reading had improved in the last few weeks. From what I understood, his mother was determined to have her reading and writing above her level when she started preschool in a few months. As the conversation shifted to his parents, I started to open myself up to the idea of meeting them.

"So, are your parents retired?" I asked him.

Mahdi shook his head, "My mother is sort of an independent contractor; she's got a very small client list. My dad is a corporate lawyer and he pretty much makes his hours now, but when they both have to work, Cairo goes to daycare." He shrugged.

"I love the support that they give you. How did they react when Cairo's mom walked out?" After meeting the child, I'd struggled with the concept of leaving her.

Mahdi visibly bristled at the question, "The way that people with those professions naturally react." He laughed to himself while moving one hand from the steering wheel and on top of mine. "Mom wanted to make sure that I was okay mentally and my dad got a colleague to draw up some paperwork for Hailey- she gave up all her rights and skipped town like it was nothing." Mahdi squeezed my hand.

"I know that I've been making all of this progress and shit; but fuck that bitch. I know that you're mature and perfect, so you'll leave a door for her to fly through at her leisure, but I hate her as much as I could hate a stranger." I seethed, we were getting closer to my brother's house and I didn't want to completely sour our moods. "You and your parents have done an amazing job with Cairo."

Mahdi smiled and patted my thigh, "I appreciate you for saying that; all of it. It shows that you care about both of us."

"I do." I returned his smile while looking at where his hand was on me. "A lot."

He kissed me on the cheek quickly, then turned down Izan's street. It was Saturday, so it was nearly impossible to find somewhere to park, but when he did, he got out of the car and jogged to my side. I thought that he was just being chivalrous and was taken aback when he placed a hand on my chest to keep me in place, before his lips descended onto mine. The kiss was so hot and unexpected that I released an audible sigh when he let go of me.

"I hate you." I groaned as I clenched my thighs together. "How am I supposed to go in there when all I want is you in the backseat?" I sulked.

Mahdi laughed loudly as he pulled me out of the car. "With a smile on your face and a lake in your panties." He winked.

"Um, who are you and what have you done with my choirboy?" I was awestruck by his energy, though I should have guessed that he would tease me. Mahdi Taylor loved to tease, to play the long game when it came to gratification.

He shrugged, "Still here, you've just been being really good; when you're good, I'm... less good." Mahdi clasped our hands together.

I shook my head, then pulled him in the direction of Izan's house. Judging by his driveway, it seemed like everyone was present and accounted for, I took a steadying breath and then went through the side of the property which led to the backyard.

"Hey!" I greeted my brothers, who had been so wrapped up in a game of dominos that they hadn't noticed us approaching. The kids were playing on the trampoline under Selena's watchful gaze and waved when they noticed me. Anaís and Lucío climbed out and ran to me, hugging at my feet- it had been a long time since I'd seen the kids, it was definitely an area of my life that needed improvement. 

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